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"You don't seem to be troubled by their deaths, miss Adira?"

"I'm sorry?", Adira coughed and was totally caught off guard. There his English teacher and some other class jerks were staring at her as if she had done something wrong when the fact was that she did not know what the teacher was blabbering in the class because someone was so busy in her dreams.

"Doesn't it strike you sad? Two young lovers lay dead. Doesn't that hit you?"

Then Adira realised Mr Cameron was talking about one of those overrated Shakespeare's play, Romeo Juliet which they were doing in class for the past week. The whole world admired the beauty of the play but Adira refused to worship Shakespeare.

Adira replied ,"I guess not!" Her answer was firm like she was confident of what she was saying. The class made a weird noise at her statement as if it was just a crime to not be sad by the death of two imaginary lovers which was created by Shakespeare or thinking otherwise of what Cameron thought.

Mr Cameron whined ,"Why? Are you so cold?" The teacher was standing near her desk, pretending to change her mind.

"Nope Mr Cameron. It is just that I don't find it tragic."

"But it is THE TRAGEDY!", teacher exclaimed in a raised voice.

She rolled her eyes adjusted her sleeves, like her father used to do just before washing his hands in the basin. She smirked a little stood up from the desk and said ,"Yet he's easily making fun of 'em."

Raised an eyebrow ,"Who is he?" As if it wasn't clear enough.

" The great Shakespeare, sir." Of course that was a sarcastic remark.

"Hah, go on I would like to know what you can think." Now the sarcasm came from the other side.

She rolled her eyes again, she did that quite often. Danny thought if she would keep on doing it very often her eyes would stuck back in her mind and then she could do as much of summersaults with her eyeballs she wanted to do.

She cleared her throat ,"Sir Romeo and Juliet were just two kids who got everything they wanted and now, they think they want each other. It's just a lust sir. That is what I got to say!"

Somebody from the front countered ,"But they were in love."

Hah, love! Thought Adira.

"They didn't even know each other. Of course it was 'Oh my god you're​ so cute' type of love. If Shakespeare really wanted us to believe that it was love then he would not tell us that Romeo was hung up on Juliet at least not in the first page." Adira didn't let the opportunity to make fun of herself.

Someone a kid named Tanmay added ,"Yes sir, I agree with Adira. It is just that Shakespeare is making fun of the two lovers and especially underrating the term 'love'."

"Then why did it survive Tanmay?", asked Mr Cameron not seeming pleased, definitely. "I don't really know sir. Maybe because he was a famous writer."

"It seems that kids these days have deleted their hearts just how they delete their ex's messages." The bell rang claiming it as an end of literature class. Mr Cameron left not happy with her and Rohan's reply because they presented different opinions.

Physical education class arrived, yes the class Adira hated and Danny loved. Well who didn't love physical education class? It was the only class all students used to look forward. Definitely they had to do some yoga and exercises but if they were lucky enough to convince Khan sir they would get it as a games period. Poor Adira was not good at games as well as yoga and exercises. She always used to excuse to miss the class. Sometimes she would inform the class monitor that she had got chums and other day she excused that she had to use bathroom. Once she told that some teacher had called her, she was lucky she never got caught but this time she decided to take the class and tried to remain sane. Everything was going fine, she was sitting on bleachers something the physical education teacher didn't mind as far as she attended the class.

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