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When we were young we thought monsters lived under our bed but as we grew older we realised they are within us, controlling all our actions. They point out every single flaw, laugh at us and make us feel pathetic of our being. They make us weak. Our weakness makes them strong. The devil creatures suck out every bit of our happiness and leave the darkness behind.

Adira struggled with her inner monsters, they laughed at the poor soul. They made fun of her weak emotions. They made her feel more worthless. But people always say that monsters die when we tend to be happy and yes, Danny was her happiness. The monsters never dared to come anywhere near her when she was around Danny. There was a magic that only Danny could do, make her real happy.

She brought herself to see the reflection of her in a mirror. Monstores laughed and giggled ,"Look at pathetic you."

"Shut up!" She yelled.

"No wonder why everyone hates you and especially your mother," this was enough to cause her a heart ache. Tears were already rolling down her cheeks,  her heart was beating so fast like a bullet train inside her ribcage and the whole room seemed like spinning, her head was hurting too. Noone was touching her still she felt as if someone was pricking her with a safety pin into her soft milk like skin. The head was hurting too much and she felt like puking but could not vomit. She was feeling terrible, very terrible.

"Leave me alone. Please I beg!" Adira whispered and the inner monsters snickered at her.

"But we are you, remember. Your mum doesn't care, you're miles away from your beloved daddy. No friends, aww poor you. And that Danny, he will leave you soon. Just wait and watch hun," the inner voices in her head had an evil laugh.

Enough, this was enough to jab her in the heart. She moaned in pain in head. "No!" She screamed, this time loud enough to shake the whole house with the shriek. Her mom got shocked with the the shrieky voice but chose to ignore it like always. With the shaking hands Adira took out her mobile phone from one of her school bag's pocket. She dialed his number as if she had remembered the number for years. She already had his number saved in the contact list yet she preferred dialing it and it was the only number she remembered by heart.

"Hello? Danny can I come over to your house?" The fear was audible in her voice. "Of course, dude! What happened? Are you okay. Shit no you are not. Yeah yeah come now," Danny spoke from the other side. It would be an understatement to say that Danny didn't get confused.

A knock was heard at Danny's house after five minutes. Danny was pacing in the room too and fro in tension so as soon as he heard the door bell he ran towards the main entrance to open the wooden door. He met with Adira whose once beautiful eyes were then decorated with faint dark circles and eyes appearing to be blood red. Faint tear drops on the cheek could also be traced. They appeared to be black as the eyeliner also ran with those colourless pearls. Her hair weren't combed not that it mattered to him. He didn't realised for how long he was staring at her with concern in his eyes. The questions he always wanted to ask but never left his vocal box.

He gestured. "Come inside Adi." The old nick name was discovered again. She didn't let anyone to call her Adi as it reminded her of her gentle father, but then again everything was allowed to Danny. He hugged her tight to ease of the pain, she hugged with a vegeance and broke down on his shoulders, making his upper clothing wet. He rubbed her back to comfort and yes, it helped at least a bit.

They went inside and Danny sat in his chair and she on his bed. Slowly the tear ducts stopped their function because of the magical aura of the best friend. This time it was not Adira who was fearing but her inner monsters. That much powerful Danny was against the evil creatures who tore Adira but again they were Adi's imagination or thoughts. On the table near the bed were resting two cups of coffee and a peice of cake. Coffe by Danny and cake my his mother, a perfect combination.

Coffee was another drug for the two best friends. They were chatting on random topics. She seemed to be happy when they were talking about childhood memories, the light in her eyes, the passion she talked with. The flow of silly yet cute memories flowed for an hour occasionally laughing and aww-ing. None of them realised how the time passed and as the reality tried to hit Adira again she said ,"I want to be loved." Danny smiled ,"You have me!"

"No, no romantically, y'know. Like being someone's priority. Being taken care of. Knowing what makes me vulnerable or what I don't like talking about. And who is ready to accept me with my flaws and the complete darkness that I reside in."

Danny thought: You are always my first priority and I guess I don't miss to show. Talking about your mother and loneliness makes you feel vulnerable and you don't like talking about the love you received from your dad because it makes you more sad or about the relationship with your mummy. Hah, I'm always ready to account because you're your own kind of beautiful and your heart is so pure like the distilled water from the Himalayas. I want to be your shield protecting you from yourself but I know I don't deserve someone as special as you, someone as beautiful as you, someone who admires stars more than tumblr or any other social networking sites and yes someone as creative as you. You never know Adi that you too are cause for my happiness. I will never say 'I love you' because they are beautiful for the world but poison for the friendship especially of ours.

He was not just her best friend. He was the stars of her blank sky. He was the secret key to her locked heart. He was the rum which made her high. He was the earphones for her melancholic songs. He was the diary she used to pour her feelings. He was the sun on those bright days. He was the reason behind her occasional smile. He was the book and she, she was a bibliophile.

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