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The rain drops were feeling sweet and had made the atmosphere melancholic in a beautiful manner. The sun was covered under the soft blanket of clouds as if he wasn't ready to start like Adira. Adira was proudly occupying her bed. Her hair were all over her face and pillow, the drool could be sighted near her thin lips. They said that she looked a lot like her father and that's why she felt alienated with pale skin, blue eyes that resembled a lot like the deep ocean which held many secrets. None could ever tell that she also belonged to Indian origin.

When her eye lids fluttered open that morning, she was met with strange yet somehow the same setting. The cream coloured walls with dark red curtains decorating it, a comfortable bed and dressing table which proudly held her deodorants, moisturiser and other things.

With the annoyance in her mood and dark circles decorating her sad eyes she paced towards the bathroom with the blanket still embracing her body. Adira was cursing herself for being awake late and letting her thoughts control her. Nevertheless, she determined to take a shower to wash away the annoyance which had crept in and might the headache would go away as soon as the water would touch her fragile body. She was hoping for a warm shower but the cool water flowed from the heater which needed to be repaired. Then again she was hoping that the things would change that caused the pain. And it was idiotic of Adira to think like that.

However, hard you try but that is the naked truth that lies beneath our skin.

Even if she wanted to change she could never. She craved for change but she feared. Such an irony, right?

It seems painful and bitter that nothing would change especially not her mother in her ways, she was cold and professional and forgot that she had a daughter who needed love but it was too much for Adira to ask and never did she plan to, in future.

Meera Ahuja made a great lawyer, she was famous in England and India too. Perhaps she was one of the great lawyer of Hillwest and cooperation, the firm she worked in. Most of the time she rested the sleek spectacles on her buttoned nose and always pulled her hair in an elegant bun and often stressed due to work. Perhaps that was why she failed to be a good mother and it didn't seem that she even tried to be a good one either. The mother and daughter didn't share memories which could be cherished later and Adira would be lying to herself if she said that she did not wish to have a good relationship with her mother. She couldn't understand how she and her father connected in first place, of course they were classmates back there in English land. Her father was like a warm sun and her mother, she was harsher and colder than the winter of north pole. They were contracting yet she never complained and now the divorce had started making more sense to her.

And with the time the smart girl accepted the reality.

She hoped out from the bathroom wrapping her bath gown tight to her wet body. That was when a knock was heard on the door and her mother came in ,"Be ready soon. I can't afford to be late today also." "Yes, mother I will be ready in half an hour."

"Nope, I do not have whole day. Take fifteen minutes or else I have to leave you!", the harsh tone was visible. She nodded and Meera closed the door as she left for the kitchen to set Adira's breakfast.

Adira dressed up for the school which was like another living hell for her. She went to the dinning area which was near to the kitchen, where her mother had already occupied the chair. Spoon in one hand and mobile in other, probably going through the emails which was her eating ritual.

So, Adira and her mother were sitting on the dinning table with the breakfast in front of them. The only noise which could be heard was of the cutlery when it touched the plate or occasionally the chewing sound. Adira sometimes tried to engage the conversation with her mother but it sounded more like an one sided conversation sometimes humming and nodding from Meera's side.

"So, mum I went to this music store yesterday near that café coffee day. And y'know they were playing the song which father used to sing all the time." Her mother raised the eyebrow looking up from the screen of mobile. Talking about her dad was always considered a taboo in the family, well whatever it was.

Her mother while trying her best to cover that faint smile which was making home on her lips ,"And?" It looked as if Meera was trying not to remember the deep voice of Kevin when he used to sing for her and the lovely daughter.

"Nothing mum, I just miss him. I really don't like here, I miss him every fucking time," the young daughter spoke with the pain and suffering eminent in her blue eyes. The mother nodded, eyes glued to the mobile screen. And then both had the breakfast in silence, the awkward silence. Adira thought that she must had not brought up the topic but then it was worth talking about her dad. She wondered what he must be doing now and then reminded herself to video chat with him when she was back from school and her mother at work place.

"Umm, Adi sorry to inform you that I can't be your ride to school today I have to leave now," this time Meera spoke softer than the birds which were chirping on the window silt. Adira nodded not to look disappointed. With that she saw her mother getting up and leaving after fixing up the make up again. Adira checked the time, she still had five minutes to leave even if she walked to school.

Taking her school bag and plugging her iPod into the ears, she left the house, double checking if it was really locked. At the lift lobby of ground floor she saw Danny who was pleased enough to see her, Adira returned the smile.

Danny approached her shoes. "Just a minute!" He got on her knees halting Adira. Brought his hands to tie the shoelaces of her white canvas sneakers. He tied the shoelaces into perfect knot. Got up and kissed her cheeks and whispered ,"You look pretty toady." This one statement from Danny's mouth was enough to make her blush and that was when the God smiled and love angles danced in heaven but both of them were unaware of that 'L' word. That was how pure their relationship was.

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