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A week later, Adira was found hanging by a fan of her room. This news was broken by her mother on telephone to Danny. Danny felt as if the whole world was spinning and he could not believe what her mother was saying. At first he thought it was a prank. "Nope, you're kidding me right?" "No son, she really killed herself by hanging up. I never thought that she was suicidal or would do something like this. I'm all alone, son. All alone!" Meera was crying and still couldn't believe that her own blood did something like this.

Danny took his jacket which was hanging on the wooden door of his room and grabbed his canvas sneakers and did not bother to tie the lace. He left the house in hurry and there Danny's mother called but he said ,"I'll be back mum. Please it is urgent."

Tears already started rolling down and loosing Adi was hands down the most unbearable pain he had ever suffered and it hurt a lot. The ache and her memories would stay forever with him until the hair on his head start turning white. It would hurt to his entire existence and he was damn sure about it.

His steps were fast on the stairs which lead to the dead girl's house. He couldn't hear any noise which was playing in background but his footsteps. He wiped his tears from the back of his palm and his jacket's sleeve. He still couldn't believe what he heard was right or not or miss Meera was kidding.

With the heart beating rapidly inside his chest and tears on his cheeks he finally managed to reach her house. He felt so numb and vaguely with slow pace he walked inside beacuse the door was wide open and there were few visitors and a team of police inside from what he could see from wherever he was. It felt as if no one was there and his guts felt that she was kidding with all of them. She was alive just watching everybody to know how many of them did care about her. She might be hiding in the cabinet of her kitchen where she did once to play a prank on him. He called ,"Adira? Come outside, I know you're there. I am telling you your prank is stupid!" Everybody's attention shifted to him and a few chanted some mantras under their breath. He shrugged. "I know, she has an old habbit to kid around. She is here. Well let me j-" Meera came and her eyes were swollen, her hair was a mess and literally resembled to the nest of a bird. She opened her hands to hug Danny. Danny was naturally taller than the woman who had rested her head in his shoulders and was crying for her dead daughter. He rubbed his hand on her long black hair and wished secretly that she wasn't dead and she would come out and say 'Surprise' with a smirk on her face and mischievous eyes like a five year old and he would scold her about this stupid prank.

He looked around the house everyone was looking at them, a few of them were holding tears in their eyes and a few he recognised to be their neighbours. The news spread in the building like how fire does in a forest. Everyone knew about the news and were interpreting the reason behind that. Some shook their heads in disappointment and some prayed for her soul and a good afterlife.

"May I? M-May I see h-her? I mean f-for the last time?"

Meera nodded but she warned. "Her body is still hanging from the ceiling fan and there are police in her room to investigate." She was sobbing and Danny wiped her tears. "It'll be okay. N-Not now b-but so-on," his voice was shaking. He walked straight to her bedroom moving aside the uninvited visitors. On his way there was a poster of Adi where she was playing with bubbles and he remembered that he clicked it almost an year ago on terrace and Adira was so overwhelmed and started behaving like a kid with that bubble thingy. He looked at the innocence in her eyes, her eyes were bright rather than dull. He stared at the portrait for a few more seconds and turned his face away when tears started blurring his vision. He muttered ,"Why? Why you did this Adi?" He walked away and knew that Adi would hate to see him cry but she should know very well that she was the reason. It was very devastating for him, he never knew she had the power to do all these things. After all he also underestimated her power and before leaving she proved all of them wrong.

As he walked towards her room several memories flashed but he tried to distant them from him. He stood near the boundary of her room which had restricted the entry by putting the tapes around the door gap. Very quietly and quickly he bent down to get inside the room to touch and hug her for the one last time. But too bad the constable saw him but he was very firm to get near to her. He ran towards her and right then she was lying on the floor might the team had got her down but a few more constable ran to stop him from doing what he wished. One of them was holding his hands and the other one was holding him by the neck of his t-shirt. He bit the hand of one of the constable to reach towards her and as he bit the constable jerked his hand and cried in pain. The other forces tried to stop him and pushed him outside the room. Too bad, he could not touch his best friend and hug her and tell her about how bad her decision was and how much injustice she had done to everyone just by taking her life away. He wanted to scold her, he wanted to slap her but he even loved her and never got a chance to confess about the love to her.

Time is a funny concept. It lulls when the pain is unbearable and accelerates when the joy is unadulterated.

As he was forced out of the house by the police and forensic team he rushed towards the terrace and sat on one of those rusty swing where they used to chat at midnight. A lot of memories from the back of his mind started playing. Anyhow sitting on the swing didn't feel right without her, it felt empty. Literally empty as if someone had taken out his heart from his chest. Tears pricked in his eyes as memories started rushing. He started missing her and knew would never get to hear that British accent again, never would be able to see the those dull-melonchonic blue eyes, never would be able to taste those pink thin lips and never would be able to wipe the tears off her cheeks from the end of his sleeves.

Everything came to an end, everything!

He has forgot his phone at home and knew his parents would be worried about him and would probably came to know about the news of Adi. As the sun had already taken shelter and the moon showed up. He looked in the sky he could see Adira in one of those brightly twinkling star, might be smiling at him beacuse he defineatly showed a weak smile. He saw her walking on the fluffy clouds, dancing with fellow stars under the dim light of moon; but that was all he imagined.

He sat there on the swing with his empty heart and never made his way to home that night because he was busy staring at the star; his Adira!

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