01| Salty And Sassy Since Day One

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|| D A N I ||

The atmosphere, along with the arctic temperature, made it hard for me to sit still. Even with all windows rolled up and the heaters on full blast, I was still freaking freezing. The fogged up windows of my father's Porsche was the only thing keeping me from going She-Hulk on everything in a ten mile radius. 

I sighed, leaning my head against the door. If I knew this was going to be my life, I would've done a lot more in the past seventeen years that I have been on this planet. I would've gotten high, on life obviously...but more so on weed. 

"Danielle," My father cleared his throat as his dark brown eyes glanced at me through the rearview mirror, "We need to talk. You know how sorry I am about this, it's not my fault." 

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Of course not, it's your bitchy-ass wife Nicole," 

"It's Natalia, and please don't speak of her like that," My father warned, that pleading tone now vanished like the rest of my hopes and dreams. 

"Shh, she will appear if you say her name," I hissed, placing a finger to my smirking lips. 

"She's not Voldemort, Danielle, she's your step-mother," He chastised, rolling his eyes. Wow father, you are amazing at this apologising thing. I feel like you really are sorry. 

Damn, even my thoughts are salty. 

"Ugh, please don't remind me," I made a sour face, sticking out my tongue, "Nancy and mother should not belong in the same sentence. Considering she's closer to my age then she is yours." 

My father's new wife is a Russian model who hates me with a burning passion. And it would seem that feeling is mutual. Ever since she met me, she's wanted me out of the house. And my father—the love-struck bastard—agreed with everything she said. 

And after my recent string of actives—otherwise know as badass, super cool pranks—I was caught. Turns out, spray painting derogative comments about my principal on the cafeteria walls isn't the smartest idea. Especially when I had no idea Mr Reilly, one of the English teachers, had been recently kicked out by his wife, and found refuge in the school.

He called the police on me, and guess who showed up at my father's house at 2 in the morning, in handcuffs? Me, that's who. 

So within three months of their marriage I was out, and on my way to a prestigious boarding school. Nancy already wanted me gone, and this just helped her plan even more. My father agreed straight away. He didn't even blink, or spare me a glance. 

The whole reason I had moved in with my father in the first place. My mother is a fashion designer and her label "March" is an international hit. So because of that, she travels daily to new exotic locations. I use to go with her when I was younger, but as I grew, my education became more important. 

She's the only one who cares for me. The only one to dust me off when I fall down. She's my hero. Too bad I only have one parent like that. My other one is a spare. Kinda like an appendix. It's there, but you don't really need it. 

Sorry not sorry. 

"Even though you don't like it, I am still you're father and I still love you very much," My father asserted strongly, trying to make eye contact through the mirror. I glanced out the window, scoffing. 

"I smell bullshit," I muttered in a high octave.  

"Language," My father groaned as we pulled up to a red light. I had offered to catch a flight, to get the hell away from my father and Natasha—or whatever—as quick as possible. But he wanted to drive me. Nine flipping hours trapped inside the car with him. 

"I was hoping that you'd understand. You're not a child anymore." My father claimed through gritted teeth. He always did this. Made me feel like he was the bigger person. That he had the upper hand. 

Well I'm not so little anymore, Dad. 

"Oh no, I understand perfectly. It seems you love Nadia more than you love me. Which is okay, considering I love Mom more than you," I smirked, pulling the foods of my olive, cargo jacket closer to my body. 

"Danielle, don't say such a thing. I love Natalia and you equally." He explained as I rolled my eyes. It seemed my eyes have become accustomed to this motion whenever my father opens his damn mouth. 

"So remind who again is in a car, on their way to a boarding school for the next twelve months?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow. My father quickly silenced, and a smirk took over my face, "Exactly. Nice game Andrew, but it seems the Champ has become the Chump." 

I went quiet after, that, folding my arms and sinking further back into the leather seats. I use to be so kind, happy and free. But when my parents divorced, and I found my ex-boyfriend in bed with my best friend, everything changed. 

Now I'm a salty-ass bitch who doesn't give two shits about the world. I'd rather stay at home watching Fast and Furious movies with a tub of my favourite Cookie Dough ice cream, living the dream.

 And most importantly, I don't believe in love. 

My past experience have shown me that it's some made up myth, purely created to break the hearts of young girls. But that won't happen again, ever. 

|| A U T H O R S  N O T E ||

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This is my first time writing, so please give me some nice advice.

Emphasis on the nice. 

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