12| Seven Minutes In Hell

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Kaden was ignoring me. He was seriously acting like a thirteen year-old girl who's best friend liked the same boy as her. PMSing and everything. 

As I walked down the school hall, everyone was staring at me. They don't know what happened, but all they know is that Kaden is giving me the cold shoulder. He even ignored me in detention, and did all the shredding of old office papers. Kaden never likes to do work. 

"He's just busy." Elliot defended his friend, as we slowly glided down the less crowded halls of the school. I rolled my eyes and hugged my thick text books closer to my chest. 

I wasn't mad that Kaden was ignoring me, I actually couldn't give two shits about what he does, but I just didn't like how the school reacted to it. I mean, Kaden basically runs Ashford Academy, and if he doesn't like someone, the entire popular hierarchy doesn't like them. I guess it's kind of okay because part of the hierarchy do actually like me, and I can happily call them my friends. 

"Busy my ass. He's just being salty. And trust me, I'm the salt queen." I scoff as we grow closer towards our Geography class. It had been a two days since I had traveled to the outskirts, and Kaden hasn't said a word about that night. He's talk to Jax, which Jax has refused to tell me about. 

"Well, you did invade his privacy." 

"So you're taking his side now?" I counter. 

Elliot steps back, "Who, calm down She-hulk. I'm still with you on this one, but it wouldn't hurt to look at it from his perspective." I sighed, and slide my hand down the side of my face. This was so frustrating. 

"Sorry, Ells. I'm just extremely tense with everything. I have a history paper due tomorrow, and the only thing I've written on it is my name. Not to mention I have no clue what the hell I'm doing in Calculus." I apologised, and nudge his arm softly. He gave me a supportive smile. 

"Kaden's a great tutor, and he's in your class. Why don't you ask him?" Elliot blurted without thinking. He then paused, as his gritted his teeth awkwardly, "Oh right....forgot. Whoops." 

We laugh it off, before walking into our next class. It always slips my mind how much time I spend with Kaden in a day. He's in most of my classes. So he literally can't ignore me, because he has to see my face every day whether he wants to or not. 

The class grew quiet as I followed in behind Elliot, glancing between me and Kaden. He was down the back of the room, hunched over his desk while texting on his phone. I wanted him to feel my glare, to look up at me, but he didn't. Instead, he continued to gaze at the device in his hands. 

Letting out a give-up sigh, I march over to my own desk and Elliot sits down next to me. Normally he resides with Kaden down the back, and I sit with Bree, a girl from my art class. But under the circumstances, Elliot's with me. 

As the teacher strolled in and began the lesson, I tried to push Kaden and all that stuff into the back of my mind. I was falling behind real bad in all my classes, and there's no way in hell I'd admit I need a tutor. So the next best thing is to pay attention in class. Which is a damn struggle

When the class was finally finished, a whole painful hour later, it was finally lunch. My stomach rumbled in content when it realised it was about to be filled with Beef Schnitzel and smoothie. The meals here and honestly crazy, it's as if they come from a five-star restaurant or something. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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