08| A Knuckle Sandwich

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|| D A N I ||

I had to blink a couple times, making sure my stupid ass brain wasn't making this shit up. Kaden? Kaden mother-freaking Woods was saving me? Me of all people. 

He looked so dangerous and sadistic that I even felt scared. He was giving out punch after punch. Jax was behind him, helping him out with the other guys. A group had formed by now, party goers clambering up the stairs and over each other to get a good look. 

I made eye contact with Kaden over a guy's head before it quickly broke as he delivered another punch to the gut. I have to admit, even I cringed at the one. They were circling each other. Kaden's vicious eyes watching the other guys like prey. 

Jax was to busy delivering blow after blow to a poor fellow, and Kaden was taking on two by himself. He didn't notice the guy sneaking up behind him; but I did. 

"Kaden!" I shouted, but it was too late. The sneaker had already advanced on Kaden, and tackled him to the ground. The other two joined, kicking and punching him as he tried to get up. 

I scramble to my feet as quick as possible, determined to help Kaden since everyone else if obviously more content with watching these guys beat each other to death. I honestly fear for humanity sometimes

I manage to grab a hold of one of the attacker's arms, and dig my nails in deep. The guy let out a guttural groan and turned to fend me off. He swung for a punch but I managed to duck it before it made contact. 

The other one however, I kinda missed. A fist lodged itself between my stomach and ribs, knocking the air right out of me and causing my legs to stumble. My back hit the wall and I gasped for air like a fish out of water. 

"Fucking crazy bitch." The guy cursed, fully turning towards me, "I'll fucking show you." 

He reeled his arm back, as I started righting my will in my head. This is it. Peace out losers. I've had a pretty good life. I'm thankful for my friends, my mother for spending eight straight hours trying to push me through her cooch, food, can't forget food, Dylan O'Brien definitely, uh—

A flash of red flew passed me, and the guy who stood in front of me before, was now no where to be seen. I took a moment to process that I could've just been saved by the Flash. But then when I glanced to my side, I saw Jax had completely bulldozed the guy over. 

Jax turned and looked up at me, "Dani,you need to get out of here now. Take Ari and Scarlett and go back to the academy." 

"I can't leave you! It's eight on two!" I screamed over the shouting, my legs were frozen to the spot. 

Jax struggled to maintain his grip on the guy beneath him, "There's more party crashers on their way. I don't want you guys getting hurt. We can handle it ourselves, just fucking leave!" 

I couldn't move. My brain had resented any remember movement in my legs. I just stood there, like a freaking gulping fish with my jaw hanging and eyes wide. My friends we obviously outnumbered, and I was just standing there. 

"Fuck!" I heard someone shout, and watched as Elliot and Nathan bounded up the stairs, pausing to process the scene in front of them, before joining in. I felt a little relief, but they were still majorly outnumbered. 

No one else was jumping in to help, they were just snap-chatting the fight or too scared and frightened like myself. 

But as my eyes caught sight of Elliot on the floor with a guy above him, reeling back for a punch, I felt myself move before my brain could even comprehend it. I jolted myself in front of Eli's recovering body and took a swing at the assailant. 

Pain exploded in my fist like fireworks, and the guy went staggering back. We were both shocked at what as we stood gawking at each other; him covering his jaw with his hand, and my credibly my fist in my arm. 

As the shock leaves our bodies, he looks up at me with rage and anger as four other guys joined in behind him. Their murderous glares was all it took to have me writing my will in my head before all hell broke loose. 

Luckily, Kaden was able to reach me, and quickly yanked me behind him. He took a protective stance, shoulders hunched and fists clenched by his side. Jax appeared alongside Nathan, who were both eager for fight. 

I didn't want them to fight. I didn't want them to get hurt. After all, this is my fault. 

 They charged for each other, like scenes in historical war movies. Except without the horses, steel swords and armour. Aiden was quick to wipe out two weaklings, who both fell unconscious on the floor. 

Jax was taking on one of the bigger guys, and Nathan was keeping himself busy with another on the side. I watched in horror as Aiden turned on the Jerk who strangled me before—and could literally only turn on a lamp. 

Everything was just happening too fast, and before I knew it, a scrawny guy dressed in a white toga stumbled up the stairs, yelling about the cops. The crowd scampered away like a group of frightened racoons, tumbling over each other as they scrambled down the stairs. 

The group of jerks followed, leaving their fight and merging in with the fearful crowd. Leaving the five of us stunned and staring at each other. Elliot was having trouble getting up off the ground and I quickly ran over to him. 

"Come on, Eli. Give me your arm." I said, crouching down and hooking an arm over my neck. I gripped onto his side, and took most of his weight on me as I helped. Jax, cursing under his breath, grabbed Eli's other side as we both carried him to the ground floor. 

"Guys! What the fuck is going on?" Scarlett asked as we met her at the base of the steps. 

"We have to go, the cops are here." Jax asserted, as both Scarlett and Ari nodded their heads. 

We were pushed and shoved, trying to maneuverer our away out the door. I kept a strong grip on both Scarlett and Elliot, as Ari held onto her brother. As we made it outside, we raced over the front lawn and towards where Jax had parked. 

"Let's go! Let's go!" Scarlett said, jumping into the front seat and turning on ignition with a roar. 

Jax, Elliot and I all scrambled into the backseat as Ari slid into the front passenger's. I barely had my door close before Scarlet took off down the street. 

As I glanced behind as, I could just make out the faint glow of flashing red and blue lights in the distance of the darkness. 

|| A U T H O R S  N O T E ||

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