10| An Unfortunate Name

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The days following the night of the party were the epitome of normal. Elliot had seemed to make a full recovery, thanks to Nurse Ari. Scarlet, Ari and I had all become closer and great friends. I never knew I could connect with someone as easily as I do with those crazy chicks. 

Jax had returned to trying to pick up every girl that walked the halls of the school, girls of age that is. On most occasions it would work, and he'd disappear for a while, before return with the same arrogant grin. Other times, Scarlett was around, and let's just say I've never seen girl's in wedges run faster. Scarlett's intimidating glare is absolutely chilling. 

My relationship—if you could even call it that—with Kaden was normal again. After that night, I guess a silent agreement of friendship was formed, neither of us admitting either. I returned to being partners with him during detention, which brightened his mood. Lazy bastard was just tired of doing all the work himself. 

However, I am glad he hasn't pushed further on the topic I'm keeping from him. It makes me sick just thinking about it. If Kaden—if anyone—knew about it, I'd surely be labelled something I'm not comfortable with. My mother has told me many times that it wasn't my fault. But it was. And now he's gone because of it. 

"I feel like I've run a marathon." Ariana breathes as we lie across the bleachers. 

Scarlett rolled her eyes from her sitting position on the next bench above her, "It was one game of badminton, Ari." 

"Yes, but it was a very deadly game of badminton. Leah looked like she wanted to rip my damn head off." Ariana explains, as we all look across the gym at the dark haired beauty leaning against the wall with her friends. 

Leah's dark brown eyes locked with Ari's, and they narrowed. When I had talked to her at the start of the class, she seemed so sweet and nice. Ariana obviously said or did something to provoke her.

"She's just salty because you're the only one who's been able to spend time with Elliot over the past five days." Scarlett sighs, before turning her attention to her phone. Ari and I glance back over to her. 

Ari stuggles as she tries to sit up, "Why?" 

"She's got an obvious crush on your boy-toy." Scarlett smirks, not taking her eyes up from her phone. 

"My what? Elliot is not my boy-toy. And F-Y-I I have a boyfriend who I am very happy with. I'm so over Elliot. " Ari scowls, crossing her arms. From what I've heard, the history between my best friend and Elliot is pretty heavy. They use to date, having been friends since diapers, until Elliot broke Ari's heart. 

Scarlett won't tell me exactly what happened, even after I begged her and bribed her with ice cream and cheesecake. But it's not her story to tell. If I my snoopy-ass wanted to know, then I'd have to question Ariana myself. 

"Keep telling yourself that, sunshine." Scarlett sighs deeply. 

After gym class, we returned to the locker rooms to shower and change back into our uniforms. I was seriously missing my old school. Remington Prep, all though a school for the rich with sticks shoved up their asses, wore whatever they wanted. A way of flaunting their wealth. I hated that aspect, but I loved the freedom of it. And the creativity. But now I was stuck with heavy, dull and boring uniforms. 

The locker rooms of the school were out of this world. Marble floors, pristine white tiles and silver taps. This place had a freaking sauna and massage parlour. I mean, how dope is that? The showers could probably fit at least five people in it, and I almost fell asleep on the wooden bench installed inside. 

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