05| He's A Delusional Walnut

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|| D A N I ||

My name had spread through the school by the next day. Guys smiled at me, high-fived me, or winked at me. And the girls, they just glared and whispered. But did I care? Fuck no. Ariana and Scarlett were the ones who I truly cared about, their were such great girls. 

Plus, I let them have some of my meal last night a dinner. So that was a big step. 

I hadn't really interacted with Kaden as much. I was still pissed off about his rude introduction. He deserved everything he got. But what sucks is that his friends are my friends. So there's no way of avoiding him. But I guess I can handle it. 

My history class was currently in the computer lab, researching something about World War II. But I wasn't. I was too busy trying to beat my high score on some race car game. I don't even see the point of learning this shit. I mean, they're dead aren't they. And so what if they made electricity or discovered America? 

Just as I was about to cross the finish line of my game, a window popped up with a message. I noticed the name and internally groaned. I peered over the screen of a computer, and glared at Kaden who was down the back, leaning back in his chair and with the same cocky smirk. 

Kaden: Is that your nose, or are you eating a banana? 

I rolled my eyes at his pathetic insult. 

Dani: Is that your head, or did you neck throw up?

Kaden: Well, aren't you just a little ray of sunshine? 

Dani: You know what's funny? Not you, so shut the fuck up and leave me alone. 

Kaden: You're words do swoon me, March. 

Dani: Nicknames now? Here's one for you; I like the sound of Pencil Dick

Kaden: Creative, but so very false. Monster-K is nowhere near that. 

Dani: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise how microscopic is was. 

I heard Kaden clear his throat as he stifled his laughter. He was distracting me, I needed to focus on the task at hand; Beating Killerbeatz235 at this game and showing him who's boss. This is my life people. 

Kaden: I can show you if you if you're that interested. 

Dani: Sure, but I might need to stop by the science lab to grab a microscope. 

Kaden: Oh you won't be needing one. But you might want to contact NASA if you want to see it from space. 

I caught Kaden's eyes from over the screen and opened my mouth, sticking out my tongue and pointing my index finger inside as I faked vomiting. Kaden just chuckled and returned to his computer screen. 

Dani: I've met many pricks in my lifetime, but you sir, are a fucking cactus.

Kaden: Don't get jealous, March. Not my fault you don't get enough action. 

Dani: That's rich, coming from you Pencil-Dick. 

I was really liking my new nickname for him. Considering the fact that I'd rather cut myself with an infected razor than actually see it, Pencil Dick is going to stick. Ha, that rhymed. I should seriously consider taking up poetry. I'm poetic as fuck. 

Kaden: Please, I had two girls screaming my name last night. I wonder how long it'd take you to scream my name, darling. 

Dani: Okay, that's creepily verging into serial killer territory. 

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