Just a ghost- Avengers x Reader

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A/N: This is my first actual one shot... Honestly I'm not so sure about it, but I decided to post it.
Don't hate me please. (I guess I have to add this is the first one I wrote, but not the first one i published... )

Warning: angst, I guess. And sadness.

Words: 950 ish


One year ago, you had joined the Avengers. You didn't have any special ability, but you knew how to fight, you were actually better than Natasha. 

You'd grown to love the Avengers: you loved Clint's pranks, Tony's crappy jokes, Steve's stories about his past... you really loved them, all of them.

However, the Avengers didn't really like you: you crept them out.

In an entire year, you hadn't talked about you or tried to be integrated. They really had tried to learn more about you, but you'd never told them anything. Not because you didn't love them, no, but because of your past, you had difficulties trusting people. You were broken.

But the Avengers took your silence the wrong way and, slowly but surely, they stopped talking to you.
One by one, they left you alone. And you couldn't blame them, really, that was an expected reaction.

But when finally Steve stopped telling you his stories, it broke your heart. But you didn't say thing. You let them walk away from the special place you had made for them in your heart.

Now, they didn't even notice you. You were just a ghost to them. They barely saw you, only on missions and in the training room. But none of them bothered to talk to you, and no one wanted to be your partner in missions, which was understandable.

✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖

"Got it? And I want everyone back!", Fury shouted in his phone, making you all wince.

Everyone answered a "Yes sir!", and silence fell in the plane.

All the Avengers, including you, were called for an important mission: taking down one of the most important HYDRA base.
You, of course, had no partner.

"Okay, we're landing", Tony informed you. "Be ready. In thirty seconds, the doors will open. I want everyone out."

You just nodded and stood in front of the door, the rest of the team imitating you.

As Tony had said, thirty seconds later, the doors opened and you all stepped out of the Quinjet.

You were nicely welcomed by HYDRA agents shooting at you.

An alarm went off and everything was chaos from there.

More HYDRA agents came out of the base and started fighting.

You were clearly outnumbered, but it didn't stop any of you.

✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖

"Okay, I'm heading in the base", you quietly said in the comm.

"Got that", Steve was the only one who bothered to reply.

You slowly entered the base, your gun raised in your hands. You looked in every corner, not wanting to be surprised by some agents. But every one of them seemed to be out, fighting the Avengers.

After walking quite a while in the base, inspecting each room, you finally reached the last one. It was deathly silence, like everywhere else.

However, you froze at the door.

The room was full of computers. And each of them has a timer on, and under the numbers passing before your eyes you could read an instruction: "Destroying base."

In two minutes, the base would blow up, killing everyone in a radius of at least 100 meters, including the Avengers.

You couldn't let that happen. The only problem was that you couldn't stop all the computers in only one minute forty.

That left you only one choice. All the bombs were in the room. But if you closed the doors, the room would be totally sealed, so when the bombs would blow up, it would destroy the base but it wouldn't kill them.

You'd made your decision.

With a sigh, you pressed a buzzer, and all the doors of the room closed with a dull sound.

You then slid against a wall, a lump in your throat.

"Anyone hears me?", you asked in the mic. No one answered, but you knew they could hear you, so you spoke again. "What's the situation?"

"There are only a few of them left", Tony answered and you sighed, relieved. "Found anything interesting yet?"

"No", you quickly said, tears threatening to fall. "No, but go back in the Quinjet, I'll follow you."


You looked over at the timer and see you had only thirty seconds left.

"Listen guys", you started, the lump in your throat making it hard for you to speak. "I know I wasn't the person you expected me to be, and I am so sorry for that...", you closed your eyes to prevent the tears. "But you have to know... I- I care about you. I really do."

You laughed a little, shaking your head. You sounded pathetic and you hated this, but you wanted them to know.

"I love your stories Steve. Tony, your jokes are the best. Clint", you let out a sad chuckle. "You're the best prankster I have ever met. And the others... I think you'll never understand how much you actually mean to me. But that's okay."

"Y/N... What is happening?", you heard Steve asked through the earpiece.

He always had been the sweetest with you, and you never let him know how grateful you were for this.

You looked one last time at the timer and saw it had just reached 10.

"You're in the plane?", you quickly asked, avoiding Steve's question.

"Yes", eight voices answered this time.

"Then I guess this is a goodbye", you softly smiled, a tear rolling down your cheek.

The last thing your heard was your name yelled by different voices, both male and female, and everything went black.

✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖

You'd always felt like a ghost in your life, even among the Avengers.

Now you were a ghost. Invisible identity walking among humans, unnoticed.

You were the ghost they wished to see again.


I don't really know what to think of it...

Anyway, I'll try to post regularly but I can't promise anything, I'm sorry.

Well, have a wonderful evening! (Or day, or night...)

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