Smile of love (part ii)

602 40 20

Words: 1970

Request: Night_Shade_5650

Prompt: "It's a shame when people, when things go so soon." by Tony or Bucky
Smile of love second part.

A/N: if was tricky at first but I kinda like how it turns out? I'm not sure I ended it the way you wanted to though, sorry!

Not edited yet (my bad)


Steve stood in the back of the room, Tony and Bucky by his sides. He crossed his arms over his chest as if he was trying to protect his heart for breaking even more.

Finally, you entered, hands in handcuffs. Two SHIELD agents walked by your side and one was following close behind you, pushing you from time to time so you would walk faster. Steve had to close his eyes when the agent behind you pushed you a little too harsh, and you almost fall on the ground.

A door was pushed at the right side of the room and Fury marched in, staring dagger at his former agent who was being dragged through the compound.


"Fury, you ol' scum. How're you doing?" You let out a chuckle, but so deep and dark that everyone in the room unintentionally shuddered.

"Better now you're here. Tell me, how does it feel being there?"

"What can I say beside...", you took a couple of steps, standing now inches from Fury's face. As two agents were about to hold you back, the director held his hand so they wouldn't move. "Hail HYDRA."

Bucky's hands clenched at your words, and he had to fight everything within him to not jump on you and beat you to death for your treason. He took in a deep breath, which didn't go unnoticed by Tony and Steve, who were both ready to intervene if the former winter soldier lost all control.

"Bring her into the interrogation room", Fury waved his hands and finally, both agents that were walking you in the compound grabbed you by the arms and left the room.

"I want no one there", Fury walked back and forth in the room, staring at every agent present and the three Avengers. "I'm taking this case myself. No one on the other side of the glass. Understood?"

A chorus of "yes, sir" was all he got, and with a final nod, he followed you to the interrogation room.

"You're going there, aren't you?" Tony murmured, a couple of minutes after the SHIELD director left the room.

"You're damn right I am", Steve nodded, eyes squinted so much they could barely be seen. "I wanna know what happened."

"Then were coming with you", Tony asserted, looking straight ahead.

"You don't have to."

"No, but we wanna", Bucky immediately replied. His knuckles were still white, which made the two other men understand that he needed this as much as Steve. " We're here for you."


The three Avengers walked in the room on the opposite side of the glass of the interrogation room. As Fury had requested, no one was there.

Steve avoided to look through the glass until he was standing in the middle of the room. After taking in a deep breath, he eventually raised his head and his eyes locked on your form.

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