What if - Bucky Barnes

922 55 18

Words: 1810

Request: ElizabethMChow

A/N: I wanted to do a fluffy ending at first, I really did, but I was listening to Time by Hans Zimmer and I thought of the time and the damn thing kinda wrote itself so there we go


You paced around the living room nervously as your friend kept doodling, drowning the sound of your voice out. For two weeks, you had been coming to Steve with the same dilemma, and everyday you seemed to have taken a decision but the next day, everything would start all over. The young man was almost ready to find his best friend and confess your biggest secret, but he wanted to let you a chance to do it yourself.

"This can't be that hard, right?"

"What d'ya mean?" Steve snapped back into reality and turned his attention to you.

"To tell him, Steve!" You ran a frustrated hair through your hair, letting out a sigh.

"I mean-"

"Easy, super easy, easy peasy", you mumbled to yourself, cutting off your blond friend. "Just walk to him and say 'hey Buck, I know we're friends but I wanted to tell you that I- It's just- I'm..."

"Incredibly in love with him?" Steve offered, raising an amused eyebrow as you stumbled over your words.

"I can't say that", you dropped on the couch next to him, huffing loudly. "Can't do."

"Well, actually you can."

"Say the man who can't even go on a date", you fired back without thinking. When you realized what you had just said, your eyes widened and you spun around on your seat, looking apologetically at your friend. "I'm so sorry Steve, I didn't mean it."

"You're right", the small man sighed and dropped his notebook, and you could finally take a peek at his drawing. "I can't even do that stuff without gettin' cold feet. When I find someone who actually wanna go out with me."

"Steve, I know you and you have a heart of gold. I said this before, but let me say it again", you put a comforting hand on his shoulder and a warm smile found its way on your lips, "anyone would be lucky to go on a date with you. You'll find the right girl, I promise that much!"

Steve shrugged lightly, tearing his eyes away from you to stare intently through the window. You felt your heart break and, following your instincts, wrapped your arms around him.
"Come on golden boy, I know you're gonna be a legend one day. America next sweetheart."

"If you say so", he laughed halfheartedly, but soon found comfort in your warm embrace. Slowly, he hugged you back, rubbing your back as he did so.

"Go talk to Buck. 'S gonna be fine."

"I will. This afternoon", you promised him and, after a couple of minutes, pulled back from the hug. "In the meantime, imma make you something too eat 'cause you need some strength!"



You quickly raised from your spot on the dirty floor, right in front of Bucky's door. You dusted yourself off, carefully avoiding his gaze as he opened his front door and waited for you to enter.

"Alright, doll?"

"Sorry, yes", you laughed nervously, stepping inside his apartment and he followed suit. "I just wanted to tell you something and it couldn't wait. I mean, it could, but I've been putting it off for weeks now so..."

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