Just so you won't forget me.- any x reader

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This one is a little different: I didn't choose a character, so you can imagine it with whoever you want, as long as it's one of the guys. I'm sorry, I wanted to do it with the inclusive writing, but I thought it may be difficult to read. 😔 But if you want, I will do it with the inclusive writing, or at least I'll try my best.

Anyway, I'll do another one shot like this except it will be with the feminine pronoun! So, yeah...

Warning: angst, because let's not drop the good habits, right?



The first time he saw her, she was running down the street trying to find shelter as the rain kept pouring. She didn't even glance at him when she entered a bookshop, hoping her clothes would dry a little before going back to her place. He followed her, not really for her, but for the warmth of the shop. She looked at him when he opened the door and her smile, although shy, was enough to warm him up.

Fifteen minutes later, the rain hadn't stopped, and the both of them were still stuck in the bookshop, standing close to the same heater in an awkward silence.

"It's been a hell of a week, with this rain", he finally said, hoping to start a conversation with her. He couldn't help but notice the curls that appeared as her hair dried.

"Could say that", she murmured, staring through the window, "but i kind of like this weather, to be honest."

He laughed a little, shaking his head. Those were so common words, yet they were the first of something unique for the both of them. Something they'd never had before. This awkward moment between them would be a great memory.

"I like it, too", he confessed, making her smile brighter.

He was walking her home one afternoon, two weeks after their very first encounter. Her dog kept pulling on his leash, wanting to go faster, but she didn't want to leave the man behind. They had such a great moment together, walking through the park, playing with her dog, scaring people. He didn't want it to end- not just yet. He wished this day would last longer, as did she. But they both knew the night was inevitable. They laughed some more on the way, but eventually, they arrived at her place. Her heart was beating faster than ever, and he couldn't tore his eyes away from her.

"Well, I'll see you soon", he said, his voice and eyes full of hope for the first time in what seemed forever. "Maybe on saturday?"

"Saturday sounds perfect", she nodded, smiling widely.

He gave her a last smile and turned around, ready to let her return to her life without him- only for a few days, he kept repeating himself.


He stopped dead in his tracks snd slowly moved his body to face her. She was coming towards him fast, her eyes giving away her determination but a sweet smile still playing on her lips. She cupped his face and, without a second of hesitation, pushed her lips against his. He kissed her back, his heart filled with joy.

"Just so you won't forget me", she joked, breathless, leaning her forehead against his. As if he could ever.

Six months later, they were dancing in her kitchen together while making dinner. None of them was a particularly good dancer, but that was why this moment was so magic. She slipped on the floor where he had dropped the butter earlier, trying to make a new move. They laughed and, once she was up, she threw some flour at his face. It went on for ten minutes- the laughters, the food, the friendly threats, her dog joining them. Then, he couldn't hold it anymore. As she was laughing with her mouth open, flour on her hair, it escaped his lips before he could even think about it.

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