Smile of love. - Steve Rogers

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I thought I may write some drabble, you know, inspired by prompts.
So, I think I'll write more of this, and I may even post a prompts list, idk yet.
Only if you agree, of course.

It's shorter than one shots because it's a drabble, so dont be surprised!

Words: 651

Warning: feels (?)

Type: drabble.

Prompt: "You know what's sad? I've never once see you smile at me. "

A/N: Don't hate on Sharon, okay? I'm serious guys, don't please. That's okay if you don't ship her with Steve, I don't neither, but don't hate on her.
Thank you.


You stayed in the corner of the lounge, watching as Steve greeted Sharon back from her thirteen months long mission. You didn't say a thing, you would just observed how he was with her.

The moment he had seen her, his whole face had lit up like a Christmas tree and had split into a wide smile, once you had never witnessed before this day. His eyes were glowing with happiness and his behavior was one of pure bliss, relief and love.

You couldn't shake this feeling. Everything about him was smelling of love.

Love for the woman he was currently talking to. Love for the blonde agent he had just hugged longer than necessary. Love for the woman he hadn't left since she came in the tower. Love for the woman who, undeniably, loved him better than you could ever did.

Steve Rogers was utterly in love with someone who wasn't his girlfriend. Steve Rogers wasn't in love with you, no matter how hard he tried to.

****** I'm the best at time skip. I should create a whole book dedicated to time skips.******

You walked into your shared room, Steve following behind you, the smile of love plastered on his face.

"Steve", you started after he closed the door, trying to hide your shaking hands behind your back. "We should stop."

"What are you talking about?", he asked as his smile dropped a little.

"We should stop this thing, between us", you looked down as tears built up into your eyes. "That's not right."

"Hold on", he stood right in front of you, his eyebrows furrowed, "we've been dating for seven months and you're telling me that's not right?"

"You can drop the act, Steve."

"What act? What is happening? Just talk to me, okay", he demanded in a serious voice. "I don't understand what's wrong!"

"I just don't think we're meant to be together", you deadpanned, looking him straight in the eyes.

He stayed quiet, shocked by your declaration. He had no idea why you were saying that. You realized he didn't even understand that he wasn't in love with you. He hadn't understood yet he was in love with Sharon.

"You don't love me, Steve."

"I do!" He shouted in indignation.

"Not as much as you love her, Steve. And you never will", you whispered as you tried to not shed a tear.

"Sharon? All that", he waved his hand between the both of you, "is because of Sharon? Come on Y/n, don't be ridiculous!"

"You know what's sad?" You said, trying to make him face the truth. "I never once see you smile at me."

He opened his mouth to protest but you out put your index on his lips before any word could be pronounced.

"Not a real, loving smile", you explained, a sad smile played on your lips. "It was always... empty. I always thought something was wrong, but I could never quite place my finger on it. Now, I know: you're in love with someone else, Steve Rogers."

"No, you're wrong", he was starting to get nervous, "I'm in love with you!"

"No Steve, you're not. You just have to realize it", you grabbed your jacket and purse you had put on the bed only minutes ago. "I don't blame you: love can't be controlled. I fell in love with you, but you fell in love with her. Our love was simply unrequited since the very beginning."

You walked to the door, ready to leave a piece of your heart behind you. Before you stepped out, you spun back to look one last time at Steve, who was looking broken but somehow relieved.

"She loves you, too", you murmured, catching his attention. "Don't miss your chance."

You let the door shut close behind you as you walked down the corridor, heartbroken but better at the same time.


Why did you think of it? Should I write more of these?

Also, the perks of drabbles are that they're shorter, so take less time to write; meaning I could publish more per weeks!

So? Yes or no?

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