World on fire - Avengers.

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A/N: So, idk how I had this idea, probably while listening to "World on fire", but anyway. This is strange but I hope you'll enjoy it!

P-S: This can be a second part of "Just a ghost" or this can be read on its own, as you wish!

Maybe listen to the song while reading this?


You leant back on your chair, watching as the city turned into ashes and smoke. A smirk made its way on your lips as you let out a sigh of contentment.

Your plan was on, and so far, it was working perfectly. The city was gradually disappearing under your gaze. You brought a glass to your lips but took your time to sip the drink, enjoying the taste on your tongue.

You got up to take a last look at your masterpiece. From where you were, you could see people lying on the cold ground, eyes wide open. You could see others crawling towards a shelter they'd never reach. You knew the feelings that were filling their minds at this exact moment. You had experimented those emotions years ago.




But most importantly, yet less common, was the desire of revenge. The silent promise to yourself that whoever made this happen would pay with their lives, or others'.

"Do not worry, my little snails", you put a hand on the glass before you, your eyes set on something in the sky. "The world may be on fire, but help is on the way. This is an american city, after all. How the national heroes could stay away from this tragedy?"

You smirked when an armor made of red and golden metal flew past the window you were at. You would get your very own revenge after all.

You calmly returned to your seat, observing the Avengers protecting the weak and the defenceless, as they always did. It was quite funny, really, to watch their attempts at saving those who died hours ago and the hope slowly fading from their eyes as they realized more people than expected were dying.

They kept fighting for hours, making sure every living soul was in a safe place. Not once did you move, admiring the way the city was slowly burried under the ashes of your anger. You could almost believe you were back in your childhood heaven, with your brushes and canvas.

An arrow grazing your left cheek brought you back to reality, however. You weren't in your safe heaven anymore. The world had become much uglier and you were not down here to make it any better. Revenge was the only feeling that drove your actions.

"I advise you turn around very slowly", a familiar voice announced from behind you, only making you smirk once again. "Or it will turn south very quickly."

You put your hands where they could see them, without showing your face. You knew their method, they would want to capture you alive. As long as you didn't have a weapon on you and stayed still, the conversation could go on.

"It has already turned south, hasn't it, Captain?"

"You know me."

"You and all your little friends", you confirmed. "Clint Barton really is a great sniper. Too bad i couldn't hire him."

"I would never have worked with you", the said man chimed in with fierce determination.

"Really, Clint? I'm sure you would have at least hesitate", you quietly hummed, listening to their every moves and breaths.

"Only my friend can call me that."

"Oh, I forgot i wasn't one of your friends", you nonchalentely put your feet on the desk. "It's funny how easily i can forget these kind of things. What does it take to be one of you? Money? Values? Courage?"

"Everything you lack", a voice you recognized to be Natasha Romanoff's answered. "Now step out from where you're hiding."

"Oh, I see..." Your fingers lightly tapped the arm of the chair, as you feigned to be deep in thoughts. "A tragic backstory and a redemption arc. How fascinating."

"Redemption is only the beginning of a life of sacrifices."

"Anthony Stark", you happily yelled, "a man of my heart. I thought you weren't gonna speak, and I was disappointing. See, out of your team, you are my favorite. Along with Cap here, of course. You know, your little civil war really made me sad. But i'm glad to see you're back together!"

"Who are you?", Sam Wilson asked, not caring about his teammates' glares. "How do you know so much about us?"

"What a silly question, Samuel", you giggled loudly, making everyone shiver. "You haven't understood yet?"

"What are we supposed to have understood?"

"Who I am, and why I am doing this, of course", you slowly stood up, raising your hands to show them you still had no weapon. "I'm the villain of this chapter, and this is my end. Yet, you still have no answer."

"We will get them, eventually", Steve firmly said, and you could feel his eyes on you.

"You're only a chapter? Usually, people like you like to tell they are a book, not just a chapter."

You smiled at Tony's remark. "I would hate to brag, even though my story might be a book."

"You just destroyed a city, killing thousands of innocent people, and you don't wanna brag? What kind of bullshit is that?"

"James, you should never, ever, underestimate humility. It can take you in a better place, or in the worst place. I'd always been humble before, and see where it led me?"

"You're blaming your humility for- for this?" Bucky asked in disbelief, mentionning to the city below you.

"No, that would be ridiculous. Of course not. I'm blaming no one, as I came to love who I am. I am just stating facts," you took a few steps back, your back still turned to them. "You should ask my former coworkers what are their thoughts. That could turn out to be instructive."

"You're seeking revenge, aren't you", a foreign accent asked you. "Revenge to people who wronged you."

"Ding ding, we have a winner", you stopped moving, "Wanda, you can be proud of yourself."

"So who are these people?"

"Telling you wouldn't be so fun now, would it? What do you think?"

"Well, we will have answers, one way or another."

"Then, let me show you."

Slowly, you turned around, stepping in the light. You briefly closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun on your skin.
"Welcome", you slowly reopened your eyes, smirking at the heroes' reactions, "to my revenge party, dear friends."

Your statement was met with silence. No one seemed to dare speaking, too shocked at the revelation. So many questions swirling in their minds, but no explanation could be found.

"So? You're not hugging me? Kissing me? Come on!"

Scott's voice was unsure and he kept glancing at his teammates.

"Ah. You haven't forgotten me. Happy to hear this!"


Okay, so I started a second part of this one.

I'm in a marauders mood lately I've been reading marauders fanfics for two weeks now and I'm in love with Remus, Sirius and James oh my god.

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