Relief. - Tony Stark

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You fought your way through the many aliens who surrounded you

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You fought your way through the many aliens who surrounded you. You couldn't remember how all of this started, but there you were, on another planet, fighting alongside a sorcerer, a teenager and a billionaire.
This could be fun if only you weren't risking your life every second.

You looked around for your friend of many years, but were only met with more aliens. You threw a punch, shot one down, threw a grenade, but somehow, they seemed to multiply relentlessly.  Strange and Wong were doing their magic not far from you, but there was still no sign of Tony or Peter.

Suddenly, you noticed the dark brown hair you knew too well and saw Tony kneeling next to something- or someone, you couldnt really tell from the distance. You let out a sigh of relief. You knew this battle was his worst nightmare coming to life, and you were scared he had done something terrible.

"Tony", you yelled, catching your friend's attention and some aliens' too.

You struggled to take the five new aliens down, but eventually succeeded, despite having only a gun and a dagger left on you. The whole situation was hilarious, really- you were fighting aliens and Thanos with nothing but two mundane weapons. 

You finally turned your attention back on Tony, who was now looking at you. You jogged towards him, but your heart broke with every step you took. There, lying before the man, was a simple teenager wearing a spider-man suit.

"Oh, fuck", you murmured more to yourself than anyone else, but Tony heard you. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

"I tried so hard- I told him to not fight Thanos but-"

"Tony, hey, look at me", you cupped your friend's face, keeping your eyes as dry as possible. "It's not your fault. I know you did everything in your power. It's not your fault."

Tony sadly shook his head, a single tear rolling down his cheek. You finally look at the still boy. You couldn't believe it- he was only sixteen, his whole life yet to be lived. And there he laid, on an unknown planet.

You opened your mouth to comfort your friend, but Wong's complain stopped you. Looking up, you saw him struggling with several assailants. Stephen was busy enough, sending all the enemies he could through a portal.

"I'll be back", you squeezed Tony's hand before running to one of the sorcerer's side.

Tony kept his eyes on the young man in front of him. He had heard your words, but whatever you would say, he would blame himself. He was the one dragging Peter to this mess, he was the one giving him the suit, he was-

A sharp breath interrupted his thoughts, and not a second later, Peter suddenly rose, taking deep breaths. There he was, alive, breathing.

"Tony, I'm sorry", the teenager looked for his mask, but Tony hugged him before he could fully move. "I'm sorry, Tony."

"That's okay, kid. But dont do that again, alright?"
In his joy, Tony turned to look in your direction, calling your name at the same time. What he hadn't planned was that there were more aliens now, and your fight was a life or death situation. A second of inattention and things could turn south.

He watched as you searched him, panic filling your eyes as relief filled his. He watched as the hand entered your torso and ripped your heart out of your chest, your face turning white. He watched, helplessly, as you fell to the ground, a hole in your chest, blood pouring out of the wound.

His brain couldn't register the information. In the span of five minutes, he had lost two of the most important persons in his life, but only one of them had left for good. Simply because he was relieved. Simply because he wanted to share this moment of pure joy with you.


SO! I wrote this one before IW came out, so obviously, this doesn't match the actual plot of the story and I'm sorry, but I was too lazy to rewrite it lmao. I'll do better with the next one! (I hope)

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