Chapter 5: Discomfort, Sickness And Fun

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"Somebody is looking fine tonight!" Yousef pulls me for a hug and kisses my cheek.

"I like the tight shirt." I smile and we are rudely interrupted by Dom.


I jump in surprise. "Eff you Dom!" I laugh and shove him gently.

We walk in and the music blares out. Dom smiles at me "You could try this one very simple thing called swearing Lil."

My mouth hangs open in shock "Oh what? Now eff aint doing it for you?"

This gets a laugh out of the squad. I'm about to say something when Lauren tugs my arm "Can you come to the washroom with me?"

I nod. "Sure thang girlfriend." We walk in and i see that Lauren is not happy. "Whats up?" I touch her face and its burning hot. I look at her worriedly and see that she's been crying. "Oh my gosh. Lauren are you okay?"

She shakes her head. "I have news."

I gently put my hand on her shoulder as she stutters "I..I..i.."

My mind is racing. Whats up with Lauren? 

"I'm....pregnant.." She manages to stammer out. I feel a pang in my stomach. For a split second it's like Lauren has told me than I'M pregnant (which by the way is impossible).

"How?" I blurt out and then instantly regret it.

She stares at me. "It was very simple. We..."


"Ok! I dont want to know!! That was a dumb question. So Alex is the father right?" I try to change the subject. I start to feel uncomfortable.

Lauren persists "Maybe you'll be pregnant one day Lilly."

I cringe. "Who would be the father?"

Lauren rolls her eyes. "You know who would be the father Lilly. Mistakes happen."

"WOAH WOAH WOAH GIRL. HOLD UP." I'm pretty amused by her. "Its impossible at this moment ok?"

"Aw damn it. So all you do is kiss?" She's trolling more than Jenna Marbles now.

"Lauren!" I can't believe this conversation we're having. "Yousef and I haven't just kissed but...seriously. We haven' know.."

Lauren knows what i mean but wants to make me uncomfortable. "You haven't what?"

For the first time in a long while i have the urge to actually swear. I just say "Eff" in a defeated manner and we head out of the washroom, laughing.

We find the squad and Yousef asks "where have you been? You missed Dom being generous and buying us all drinks."

I'm about to make up an excuse for us because of the twisted, weird conversation we were having when Lauren blurts out. "A baby."

Yousef does a double take. "What?!?!" he looks at me and me, Lauren, Alex and Dom burst out laughing. Alex smiles. "I think Lauren meant that SHE is having a baby. Not that Lilly is."

I nod at Yousef. "Sorry boo."

He sighs. "Not today?"

I take a step back. "I couldn't be pregnant."

The third time I've had to say that.

He puts his arm around me. "We could make that a possibility."

I gaze into his deep brown eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

He gives me a sneaky smile. "We could go to the shop and buy..."

Dom begins to make vomit noises and then i remember that we are not alone. I smile at them. "Sorry guys. Who wants a drink?"

Dom shakes his head. "No. I actually FEEL sick." His eyes water. We all sit on a couch and ask him what the problem is. He doesn't know. Alex goes to take him to the washroom and Lauren goes to wait outside. Yousef and i are alone. Just the way i like it.

Yousef puts an arm around me which, to be honest, is much further down than usual. He's hinting. I know he would never make me do anything if i didn't want to but i'm kind of nervous. A lot has happened tonight already with Lauren being pregnant, an uncomfortable conversation and now Dom is sick. Still, It's great that he is passionate about our relationship.

Lauren, Alex and Dom come back and catch us making out. We pull apart and smile. I sheepishly slide off Yousef's lap in a very undignified manner and put my arm around Dom. "You alright buddy?" I go to the bar and buy him some water. I hand Dom the glass and we decide it would be better to let him go home. Alex calls a taxi and Dom gets in. As the car drives off we blow kisses and wave goodbye to him. 

We all cheer and go to buy drinks. Execpt for Lauren because shes pregnant. 3 shots later I'm drunk. We continue to drink until Lauren is the only sober one. We dance and laugh and we are just having an amazing time.

I notice how Yousef seems even more attractive now. I can't think straight but I know that my discomfort from our previous conversation was gone. Two voices in my head fight each other.

"He's looking so hot." One voice says

"Lilly where is this going?" The second voice shouts.

"You know where you want this to go Lilly. You only live once."

"Are you insane?!?"

"Come on! It's not a big deal."

"Fine Lilly. You're drunk and when you realise in the morning how stupid you've been don't go crying to Yousef."

"What the heck do you mean?"

"Team Super will go insane."

"They don't need to know!"

"Lilly you just need to accept that you're a virgin for life! You're 27 Lil! Get a grip!"

"That's my own business! Don't get involved."

"I'm literally you. Just a more sensible voice."

"But look how nice he is."

"You'll regret it in the morning if you do."

"I'm right. I need to stop.

I join Alex, Yousef and Lauren. Lauren is calling a taxi for us all because she tells me that the time is 1am. We get in and Lauren says goodbye when we reach Alex's place. Yousef and I are heading for my house.

"You can stay at mine." I tell him.

"Yes I think I will. Thanks Lil." He's fumbling in his wallet for something

"What's up?" I lean over and he shuts the wallet closed.

"Nothing." He cuddles me.

I put my head on his shoulder and kiss him as we pull up to my place.

We get in through the door and then stand there, staring at each other.

"What now?" He gazes at me.

We're both too drunk and I know it. But it won't stop me.

"First of all you remove..shirt."

He takes off his shirt. "Now take off your coat."

I take off my coat. I don't dare to ask him to remove anything else. He tilts his head and I know he's asking me permission. I nod and we make out. He picks me up as we kiss. I wrap my legs around his waist and get a grip on him. He unzips my dress and it's thrown on the floor.

Then I push my bedroom door shut.

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