Chapter 8: All About Yousef

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(Guys! I feel so bad for leaving you with that cliff hanger XD I'm sorry!!!)

"Tell.Me." I give him a cold stare and see deep into those brown eyes that i once looked in for love.

"I've messed up." He shakes his head and I see tears form.

I hate to see people cry. "No Yousef. Please don't cry. Yes you have messed up but it can't be that much of a big deal."

"Nope. Your possible child is not a big deal."


"I knew all along."

"Yousef? What.Do.You.Mean."

"That party.."

"We never did anything! We were drunk and tired! You said it yourself!"

"I was lying because I knew you would freak out."

"Freak out? About what?"

"Loosing your virginity."

"WHAT?" I start to shake violently and I feel sick.

"I'm sorry that I lied to you."

"That's more than a lie!"

"Lilly I'm genuinely sorry." Tears run down his face.

"I'm going to be sick." I look around desperately. He rips off his coat and prompts me to throw up in the hood. I thank him but I still feel sick. I want to forgive him but I don't think I can.

"Listen, I know you hate me but I'm sorry and I want to be in a relationship with you again. I'm going to make all of this up to you, I promise."

"I don't hate you and I'm sorry too. I still love you." I pull his face up to mine and give him a gentle kiss.

"I love you too." He smiles and I watch him walk away as visiting time is over, leaving me alone in my room as the splint rubs against my painful leg.

The Next Day

"Lilly?" I hear the gentle voice that soothes my pounding headache. I open my eyes.

"Hello." I mutter as I force myself to sit up even though the pain stabs through my head and makes tears spring from my eyes.

A nurse hands me crutches and shows me how to use them. I thank her and I walk out of hospital. I relax in Yousef's car until we get to his house. As soon as he opens the door it bursts open and I hear the load shouts of "Surprise!!"

Balloons, chips, cookies, cake, music, presents and my YouTube friends. There's Lauren,Alex,Dom,Humble,Colleen,Rachel, Joey, Shane,Ryan, Mamrie, Hannah, Grace and loads more.

"Is this all mine?" A party hat is placed on my head and Lauren hands me a soft parcel.

"Your outfit Lilly. It's brand new. I hope you like it."

"Thank you! I hug her and go off to change in the bathroom. Yousef rushes after me.

"Do you need some help putting them on?" I can see that the question is genuine and I debate it.

"Yes please actually." I walk into the bathroom with him and I tear off the wrapping paper. Soft grey sweatpants and a black cotton t-shirt. I silently thank Lauren and pull on the shirt, not needing Yousef's help. The sweatpants are an issue. "How am I supposed to get these off?" I point to the jeans I'm wearing. "And how do I get these on?" I look at the sweatpants.

"Umm...I actually don't know. Those are pretty tight jeans." He tugs at the waistband.

"Cut them off?" I suggest.

"But that would be ruining them."

"I may be a cheap person but don't forget I do have a bit of money."

"A lot of money" He corrects me.

"Enough to buy a new pair. Get the scissors."

He comes back, holding them in his hand. I gesture to the waistband where it begins and I help him to cut them off slowly. We manage to get the sweatpants on me and I lean on him as I put on some mascara, foundation and concealer. I put my hair up into a ponytail. When I'm finally done I put down my tired arms and lean on him.

"I'm tired." I feel his hot minty breath on my cheek.

"Do you want to lie down?"

"Maybe. I don't want to miss out on this lit party though."

"Don't worry Lil. I think this could go on all night. Free drinks."

"Then we'd better stay away from your bedroom." It feels good to joke about it now.

"But that's where we're going. You need a nap."

"To be honest I'm not complaining at that idea." All of a sudden he picks me up like I'm a child and carries me through everyone dancing. I hear the whispers and my cheeks turn red.

He lays me down under the cool duvet covers. I'm not really that tired. I expect him to walk out the door. He doesn't. He sits down and waits for me to sleep. I can't. I want to kiss him but I resist the urge. One thing would lead to another, broken leg or not. No self control. Just complete awareness that scared me.

But it exited me at the same time.

"I can't sleep." I lean in for this kiss, fully aware of what I hope is going to happen. He kisses back and as the kiss deepens I tug gently at his t-shirt, getting the message across easily.

"Come on Yousef."

"No. You have a broken leg." He's not convincing anyone.

"What are you going to do? Lean on it?"


"Then what are you so scared of?"

"Not being able to please you. You're freakin' scary."

"Don't give me that bs." I whisper back to him. "I'll be fine. I'm Superwoman. I'm a Bawse."

"Come on Lilly. Have some sense."

"Fine. I'll get Dom."

"That would be cheating."

"But you already told me that I was cheating on you."

"Lilly I'm not going to give in, even though I want to."

"Fine." I begin to see sense. " You're right."

"Yes I am right my love. Can't sleep? Wanna join the party?"

"Yes." I hop up on my one leg, slowly getting used to the pain. I grab my crutches and walk along with him as I adapt to this new way of moving around.

When we get out Swoozie greets me and gasps in shock when he sees my leg.

"Lilly are you ok?"

"Fine thanks." I tell him with a slight sarcastic edge to my voice.

"I have a get well gift for you." He hands me a small box wrapped in tissue paper. He hugs me and I hug back even though I'm not fully forgiving him.

As I sit down on the sofa talking to a hundred people at once I decide to open the gift that he gave me.

The room falls silent.

Swoozie's given me a pregnancy test.

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