Chapter 7: This Is NOT OK

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Guys I'm so sorry for not updating recently. School has been super busy but im back and will be trying to write as often as possible xxx

We walk outside and I stop in shock. I lean against Dom. I feel sick.

All I can see are hundreds of magazines and newspapers laid outside my house. Thousands of death threats written on cardboard. I pick up a newspaper.

"So-called 'Superwoman' Is Also Super Stupid"

I cling on to him in an effort to stop myself from fainting. He looks at my face and strokes my cheek. "Lilly its going to be fine."

"Its not fine!!" I start to cry and i run into my house without a second glance and leave Dom behind.

I sit on my floor in scrunched up ball. I rip my hat off my head and chuck it across the room. I pick myself up and turn off my phone. I go into my room and hide in my bed. I hear Dom knock on the door and i run to answer it. As I rush to the door i trip over something. I crash into the wall and bang down on the floor so hard it knocks the breath out of me so that i can't breathe.

"Dom!" I call out. I cant hear my voice. My breath is taken. I try to get up and that's when i feel the intense pain that shoots out from my leg. I scream and it comes out as an empty cry. The door opens.

"Don't worry, the door was...OH MY GOD LILLY!"

He rushes to me and checks my pulse. I cry out in pain and i see his tears too. He dials 911 frantically.

"Hello? Yes. My friend's broken her leg!" His tears are real now. I feel them drip onto my own face.

"I have?" My breath is coming back now. The pain is real. I scream.

"Her leg is bent the wrong way! Yes. Her name is Lilly Singh." He gives them my address and ends the call.

"Its gonna be ok! I'm sure there's nothing severe. Oh my god Lilly!" He sits beside me and cries. "You'll be ok."

It hurts more and the pain is so bad it makes me swear. He calls Yousef and I can hear the frantic cries through the phone as they talk.

The ambulance finally gets here and im lifted up and we drive to the hospital. I nod off and wake up to a firm kiss on my dry lips.

"Lilly! I'm so sorry!" Yousef moves away and kisses my head. "Oh my gosh! Two accidents in one day!"

"Two accidents?" The pain is a little bit better and i struggle not to scream again.

"Yes." He looks away slightly guiltily.

My heartbeat increases. "Whats the other accident??"

"I don't think you want to know."

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