Chapter 10: My Twisted Life

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"YOUSEF!!! DOM!!! ALEX!! LAUREN!!!" I sit on the lid of the toilet like I am doing Toilet Talk. I'm not though. I wish I was.

Dom knocks and then bursts in with a worried look on his face. "Lilly! It's Yousef! And Swoozie..Oh my god!" His facial expression changes as the sees the test on the floor. He drops down on his knees and just looks into my eyes.

"Dom help me." I whisper and as he gets up I pull him into a tight hug and cling to him like I would never let go. I slowly stand up and I shiver a bit. I hear the knock on the door and the voices of people I know too well. The sounds of police and ambulances. I rush out as fast as I can, leaning on Dom as I go. I see the smashed window, the crowd around it. Then I look around for Yousef.

I can't see him.

I look for Swoozie.

I can't see him.

That's when I look out of the window and realise for the first time what has gone on.

Swoozie has gone out the window.

And Yousef's gone with him.

An Hour Later

"Hello miss. May I ask your name?" A doctor approaches me as I lean in my waiting room chair, dreading the news of them.

"S...sure. Lilly. Lilly Singh." He does a double take when I tell him my name but doesn't say anything further except. "Thank you Lilly. Or Superwoman. I'll get you the news of Adande and Yousef."

I bite my nails anxiously as I wait. He comes back with Dom. "Hi Lilly. I brought Dominic. Let's go and check on them. Lilly, check on Yousef and Dominic will check on Adande. Then you can swap in half an hour." He smiles and I see how he is trying his best to be fair. I smile back at him. Then I open the door.

Yousef is in a coma.

I curse under my breath and hop to him. He looks dead. His face is a lot paler and his eyes are tight shut. I remember that he is nevertheless still alive and I lower myself down on the cold hard chair. I long for my friends. I want Dom to put his arm around me,Lauren to squeeze my hand, Alex to try and cheer me up.

"Yousef? I dont know if you can hear me but I want you to come back." My voice cracks and i struggle not to cry. "I need you. Our squad needs you. Your subscribers need you. Your family needs you. needs you." I struggle to say it out loud. "I'll keep coming back Yousef." Im crying properly now. "I'll come every day until you get better. You will get better. I love you."

I hear the door open and the doctor and Dom stand opposite me. I get up and wipe away my tears.

"You can go and see Adande now." The doctor informs me.

I nod and look at Dom. "Is he..?" I nod towards Yousef.

He shakes his head. "No Lil. He's badly injured though."

My heat beats faster. "He's not paralysed is he?" Im worried.

Dom hugs me. "No. Just...go and see him."

I am escorted to the room and i knock gently on the door.

"Come in." His voice is gruff.

I hobble into the room and take in the two broken legs, the busted lip, the broken nose, the fact that he doesn't seem to move.

"Lilly." He says in an almost monotone voice.

"Hello." I walk in slowly and sit on a seat next to his bed. I know he's been mean to me, I know he's taken that picture, I know hes been trying to break up our relationship for the past month but then he finally says it. The thing he's wanted to say forever.

"Lilly...Don't you understand that I have a crush on you?"

I gasp in shock. That explains it. Why didn't i figure this out before? He wants Yousef and i to break up. He wants me.

"Well...Yousef may not even come back a..anyway.." I take a deep breath.

He turns his head abruptly and looks straight into my eyes."Whats wrong with him?"

"Yousef is in a coma." I struggle not to cry again.

He looks like he's about to cry himself. "Really?"

"Yes." I give up and start crying. He pulls me into a hug and for the first time ever i realise that he isn't a bad guy after all. Jealousy got to him and i can understand that. So we sit together for a long time just silently praying for Yousef.

(Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was a bit short but i wanted to not give away too much all at once! I have another fanfiction that has not been published yet. Its different to this one. Its in Lilly's point of view but here's the basic description:

"In order for YouTube to save more money they have requested that me and 23 other YouTubers must fight to the death until one winner remains. A YouTube Hunger Games featuring me (IISuperwomanII), FouseyTube, Swoozie, D-Trix, Zoella, Pointlessblog,Shane and many more.

This is going to be hell."

Please comment if you want to see it! Ok i need to go write chapter 11 now...)

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