Chapter 6: Questions and No Answers

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I wake up and roll over in my bed. Yousef must have got up. The sheets touch my skin and it feels cool against the heat. Hang on. My skin? I open my eyes and then realise.

I am topless.

I scream and leap out of bed. I throw on a sports bra and big sweater and rush out into my living room, skidding on the floor as I go.

"Yousef?" I cry out.

"Yes babe?" He heads over to me and looks me in the eye.

"Wha...what happened last n..n..night?" I pray I don't receive the answer I dread to hear.

Yousef shrugs, looking worried. "I...I don't know..what do you think happened??"

I cry. "What if I slept with someone for the first time, namely you, and I can't remember?"

"Lilly we were drunk. I don't think we could have gotten that far."

"Then how did I wake up topless?"

"Well...did you have your underwear on?"


"Then we can't have got that far."

"We could have!!"

"Lil, it's probably a good thing you don't remember."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Oh shoot." He looks at me, deep in thought.

"What's up now?" I'm crying.

"If we did and only if we did..."

"What?" My heart beats faster.

"You could get pregnant."

I black out and come around to find Yousef stroking my hair, whispering "It'll be alright." I slowly sit up and look at him. "We may not have got far you know."

He nods "Yes."

I try to read his mind. "Is something wrong?"

"Hold up babe, something's coming back to me...

I cross my fingers.

"I remember! When I was undressing you fell asleep!" He puts his arm on my shoulder. I feel a wave of relief.

"I was drunk last night. We both were." I feel glad that I fell asleep when I did or I know I would have regretted it now.

"Yes we were. I would never make you step out of your comfort zone unless you wanted to. But tell me Lil, where do you hide that side?" He sits me down on the sofa.

I grin. "I don't. It only comes out in those situations." My mind still races. What the heck was i even thinking in the first place?

My grin fades as the door knocks. Without thinking i go to open the door.


"Hi Lilly. Nice outfit choice." He looks down at my sweater.

Yousef walks to the door and puts his arm around me. "Yo Swooz. Whats up?"

Swoozie sighs. "Yousef man, I got something to tell you."

Yousef squeezes my shoulder gently. "Whats up?"

Swoozie folds his arms. "Your girl has been cheating on you."

We both look at him shocked. "What?" I gasp. How dare he say that? Why would i cheat on him?

Yousef frowns. "Lil wouldn't do that."

"So you think. The truth is that i caught her going into Dom's house late at night when you were in a meeting."

He looks at me in shock and takes his hand off my shoulder. "Lilly.."

"I didnt do that! When you had that meeting i was vlogging and writing!"

Swoozie sighs, sarcastically sympathetic. "Lilly we both know im telling the truth. And I know what you did with Dom."

"Yeah, so do I! NOTHING!" I'm losing it now.

Yousef goes inside and i see him grab his stuff. "Yousef you dont believe him do you?" I feel tears coming. No. I can't cry now.

Tears are slowly spilling out of my eyes. Yousef looks at me. "I can't believe you would do something like that."

I'm crying now. "Yousef! I wouldnt do that!"

He shakes his head and looks at Swoozie. "Come on man, lets go." And before I can say another word the front door slams shut.


I cry and gab my phone. I lock my bedroom door and collapse on the bed. Then i look at the camera. My vlog camera. I need to talk to somebody right now. 

Im going to vlog.

"Good morning!" tears still run down my face. I am fooling nobody. 

"Team Super I'm really sorry that this vlog might not have my usual happy, work vibe and more of a sad vibe. I love and trust you guys so i know that you wont mind that and that you'll just want to comfort me. The truth is that something horrible has happened to me right now."

I stop. I can't bear to say this out loud. "Yousef and i may have broken up." I cry properly now, not caring about being on camera. I still wanted to vlog for them. "The thing is that Swoozie said that he'd seen me go to Dom's house at night and for some reason Yousef believed him. He thinks i've cheated on him and please guys, you know i would never do that."

I turn off the camera and pick up my phone. I have an urge to ring Lauren but I know shes pregnant and doesn't need to deal with all the stress. I suddenly know who to call..

"Hi Dom." My voice cracks as i struggle not to cry.

"Lilly whats up???" Dom knows straight away that something's wrong.

"Swoozie lied to Yousef and told him that I cheated on him with you. I'm feeling terrible right now. Our relationship was getting so good."

"I'll be there in 10." He says as I breathe a sigh of relief. I could always trust Dom. "Bring your work if you need to."

"Don't worry Lilly. I've done it."

I get off my bed and then my phone gets a notification from Twitter. Swoozie has tweeted me. I gasp in shock as I read it.

"Can you believe that @iisuperwomanii would cheat on Yousef with Dom? It's true. #RIPYoully #LillyGetALife"

I cry and then I go to tweet back when I drop my phone in horror.

#LillyGetALife is trending.

So much hate.

I'm obviously used to hate. It doesn't bother me. For the first time in my life the hate is getting to me.

"Omg she's such a fake #LillyGetALife"

"It's surprising that Yousef would even date her #LillyGetALife"

Then the door knocks. I put on some sweatpants for comfort and go and answer the door. Dom walks in and looks at me.

"Lilly you need to get dressed and come with me." His tone is serious.

"What's up?" I wipe away my tears.

"You're not going to like this but you need to come outside." He gives me a hug.

"Ok. I'm coming." I go into my room and wear the usual Superwoman style. A plain black tshirt, a jacket, blue jeans, sneakers and a snapback.

But what's going on outside?

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