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Disclaimer: I don't anything from Disney since this is based on Beauty and the Beast and TOEI...except the characters I created for this story.

Author's Note: This is a gender-flipped version of Beauty and the Beast. I thought it would be better since Sera is a shark Zyuman and Yamato is human it's more fitting for the story. Plus this is one of my favorite Disney stories. I wanted to play out the beginning more than just do the narration like in the movie.

Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a castle though she had everything had her heart desired but she was selfish and unkind. One day an old beggar woman came to the castle . . .

"Please . . . can you please help me?" The elderly beggar woman asked the Princess who answered the door. "It's cold and raining outside, I don't have much to offer as payment." She takes out one of her red roses from her basket. "Take this red rose."

"No, you're not allowed in the castle, go somewhere else." The princess coldly tells the beggar woman as she points away as the elderly beggar woman turns around as the princess heads back inside but the beggar woman angered by her actions magically transformed to a beautiful Enchantress. The Princess cries and begs forgiveness as she goes to her knees.

"It's too late. I see that you have nothing but selfishness in your heart and hold no love for others." The Enchantress informs her. "I shall teach you a lesson." With that the Enchantress wand glowed as she touched it to on the princess. She slowly transforms in a more beast like creature, she looked more like a shark.

"What have you done to me?" She tearfully replied.

"What you deserve?" The Enchantress responds. "That rose I gave you is enchanted, each year a petal will fall from that rose."

"So how can I undo this transformation, this curse you put upon me?"

"The spell will be undone if you bring yourself to truly love someone but they also have to return your love by your 21st birthday before the last petal falls. Otherwise you will remain this way for the rest of your life, Princess." The Enchantress informs her. As she created a hand mirror, giving it to her, "this mirror is magic, and can let you see anything you desire from the outside world . . ."

"I shall also transform your entire kingdom and everyone in it as punishment." The Enchantress informs her as she watches helplessly as her castle because nothing but it's former self. There was nothing left.

The princess only could sit in her room as she slashed her portrait, disgusted by her new appearance. As tears dropped from her cheeks, she could only look outside as her castle begins to transform. She knew it was helpless; no man could ever love a monster like her. The question would be more, who would?

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