Imprisonments and Rejections

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Mario quietly went to the front door, knocking loudly. "Hello! Is anyone there?" Mario called out as the door opened. "Hello?" He called out again. "It's getting cold outside; I was wondering if I could stay here for the night? . . ." 

Little did he know there were several eyes watching him? They were hiding in the shadows of the castle. They were cursed along with their princess, though they never blamed her for it. After all she was only around ten years old when this all happened. Actually all of them were close to her age. He continued to look around, there was no one to be seen.

"HELLO!" Leo screamed, it nearly startled Mario stiff.

"Stop screaming . . ." Amu tells him, covering her ears before putting her hands down. "Look you're scaring him."

"Naturally we would be scaring him . . . look at us . . ." Tusk informs them, he had his arms folded.

"A Tiger?" Mario pointed at Amu, his voice full of terror.

"A Lion!" He moved his finger as he pointed to Leo.

"An Elephant . . ." He moved his hand again to Tusk. Right after Mario said this, he fainted.

"Now look what you did . . ." Tusk informed them, annoyed.

"Is he dead?" Amu questioned.

"No, dummy he just fainted." Tusk tells Leo.

"You don't have to be so mean."

"The mistress is not going to like this at all . . . If she finds out . . . " Tusk worriedly let's out.

"She won't find out. So don't worry . . ." Leo assures them.

"I am telling you, she will...the princess knows everything that goes on in this castle."

"Quickly, let's bring him to the fireplace. The poor thing." Amu tells the both of them.

"I agree." Leo shakes his head.

Amu and Leo both help carry him to Sera's chair. Tusk refused to take part of it.

"Not, in the Mistress's chair." Tusk protests.

"WAKE UP!" Leo screams right at Mario as he startled him awake.

"Well, that's a way to make him up." Tusk sarcastically remarks.

"Oh good you're awake." Amu says, holding a tray as she pours some tea into a teapot. Handing it over to Mario. "Here you go . . . it would keep you warm."

"Thank you." Mario tells her as he takes a sip.

"You're probably curious about our appearance . . . we weren't always like this . . ." Leo begins to tell him.

"Don't tell him what happened . . ." Tusk interrupts.

"Perhaps he can help us. It's been 10 years . . ."

"His too old . . ." Tusk points out. Knowing that Princess Sera would love someone like him. So it was pointless.

"He may know someone . . ." Leo points out.

"Will you be quiet? You may wake up the mistress!" Tusk angrily tells him.

Unknown to them Sera was in the shadows, she was not happy that someone intruded into her castle. She didn't want anyone there. No one was ever going to see her like this.

"What is he doing here?!" Sera questioned.

Leo begins to speak, knowing he would scream Tusk covers his mouth. He knew that his loud voice would hurt Princess Sera's ears. He knew that he would be even more irritated

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