The Dinner Date

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Yamato was saddening by his uncle being taken away without saying goodbye to him. He was now a prisoner in the castle; he knew it would be a sacrifice. He would never see the outside world again. He sat down on the floor of the upper dungeon. Amu looked at him; she was touched by his actions. She knew he could the one that could open Sera's heart. That would mean she had to think of a plan to bring them closer together. Perhaps if he was in a nicer room, which would certainly help try to ease any resentment the young man had for their princess.

"Sera . . . I mean princess. Don't you think you should . . . I don't know help provide him a room so he would be more at home her?" Amu questioned as she touched Sera's shoulder.

"Why would I do that?" Sera questioned.

"Well considering the curse, I don't think you have a real choice in being picky Sera. You need to be nice to him to win his heart . . ." Amu whispered, covering her mouth at one side so Yamato wouldn't here though he was too upset he probably wouldn't anyway.

"Hey . . . you." Sera turns around to look at Yamato. "Come with me."

"Isn't this where I am staying?" Yamato questioned.

"If you prefer being here over a nicer room . . ." Sera commented. She just started at him.

"No . . ." Yamato slowly says.

"Then don't argue with me. Let's go!" Sera remarks, she appeared to be rather grumpy. Amu was the one given her advice, and telling her what to do. It was something that she wasn't use too.

"Yes, Sera that was being kind." Amu sarcastically replied as she slapped herself in the forehead. She was still keeping her distance not want any men to be close to her. She knew that he would be forever but and none of the men were always so scared of her. Even if she could win his hear, she had limit of the time for it. The magical rose that was given to Sera when she was a child had started to blossom. It wouldn't be much longer before the petals start to fall. They would remain in their forms permanently. It scared everyone at the possible thought of them never becoming human again. Yamato is their ray of hope to finally break the spell. Everyone is going to play matchmaker for them. It isn't just for them either. They wanted their princess, their friend to finally learn to love. Not platonic love that she knows through friendship but romantic love. So she can have her happily ever after like in those fairy tales.

Sera walked in front as Amu walked beside her. Yamato walked behind from a distance. He had been trying to hold back his tears. Not wanting to show a weakness to someone that holding him as prisoner. He had to think of the bright side to all this. He was in a castle, judging from what he was seeing it was enchanted. They're had to be a history behind all this. Just like in all the stories he read. When he got the chance he was going to look around on his own. That was something he promised himself.

"Sera, he looks sad." Amu remarks.

"There is nothing I can do for him." Sera replied back, not showing much concern for her prisoner.

"Talk to him." Amu whispered.

"This is your home now." Sera tells Yamato not looking at him. "You can go anywhere you want, except the East Wing." The East Wing was after all her room; she didn't want Yamato to see anything. Her portrait of when she was human that she had cut apart with a knife because she was too ashamed. Her magic mirror and magic rose were both up there as well.

"What's in the East Wing?" Yamato questioned. His curiosity got the better of him. He wanted to know what was there.

"It's just forbidden!" Sera angrily tells him as she stopped and looks back. Yamato shut up after that, knowing she would just yell at him again. She took a deep breath to calm herself as she turned around, continuing the walk to his room. It didn't take too long to get to his room.

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