Minako's Evil Plan

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Yamato slowly turned the knob as he opened the door; it was Amu in her disguise. Though he wasn't aware of this. She looked around behind her to make sure no one was around before looking back at him.

"Can I help you?" Yamato questioned to the disguised Amu.

"Yamato, it's me." Amu quickly lifted up her mask. So only he could see her face.

"Amu? What are you doing here?" Yamato panicked as he looks around outside. Moving aside so she could go in, quickly. "Quickly come in."

Amu steps into the cottage, the place appeared to be simple but relaxing. It was a nice home to live in. She took off her mask as she let it hang around her neck. "This place looks nice. It's such a lovely home you have here, Yamato." She remarks happily. "Oh look at that animal sculpture." She goes over to a nearly finished sculpture of the most recent animal he was making. Fitting as it was a shark. So it reminded Yamato the pain of leaving Sera. Despite the fact she let him go though Amu didn't know that he using it as a reminder to return to the castle when his Uncle is well. Of course it hasn't been touched in days so it had gotten dusty.

"Thanks." Yamato nods his head in agreement.

"Yamato, why did you leave? Did you not want to stay with us?"

"No, it's not that at all." Yamato tells her.

"There wasn't any reason for you to stay?" Amu questioned to him.

"Amu? I have no time to answer these questions." Yamato embarrassed, he attempted to change the subject.

"And I have no time to ask them." Amu tells him, irritably.

"What are you talking about?" Yamato asked her, confused. He didn't get why she appeared to be so angry at him. "Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh, what does it matter? It's like you don't care." Amu angrily tells him. "It really is all hopeless." Amu told herself, she was holding back tears.

"Yamato . . ." Mario calls out to him as he gets out of bed. He goes over to the room where they're in. He sees Amu without her mask. Naturally he begins to freak out again. "It's . . . am I so sick. I delusional." He begins to fall together.

"UNCLE!" Yamato screamed as he goes over to him to make sure he is okay.

"It's one of those creatures I saw at the castle . . . they come to follow me." Mario fearfully says as he begins to wave his arm. "Send it away! Send it away!" Yamato knew these remarks would be hurting Amu's feelings.

"Calm down, Uncle. There not hallucinations. This is my friend, Amu." Yamato explained to his Uncle. "And you're hurting her feelings when you're saying these things you know . . ."

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you then . . ." Mario shook her hand. "Forgive me; I never spoke with a talking tiger before. It's not something you see every day."

"It's all right. I am use to pretty freaking out. If anyone stumbled on the castle since they were lost, most usually ran away screaming." Amu admitted to them.

"You can stay here for the night." Mario insisted as he let out a few coughs.

"Thank you." Amu addresses, bowing her head respectfully.

There was another knock on the door, the following afternoon. Amu quickly put her mask back on to cover her face then put her hood back up over her head. Yamato this time it was an old man with small glasses and a mustache, which he played with as he talked to Yamato.

"Are you Yamato Kazakiri?" The old man questioned. There was a crowd of people behind him, below the deck.

"And what if I was?" Yamato asked, acting if he didn't know what he was talking about.

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