A Dance, Romance and Confessions

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Author's Note: Here it is, the chapter everyone has been waiting for....the ballroom scene. I god goosebumps even before I started writing this chapter. I was just so excited! I mean Yamato and Sera appear to be falling in love so quickly but naturally things are going to get in the way of their intended relationship. Especially for all those who watched the movie based on this story. Yamato and Sera are destined for each other but what it take for them to be together? They may have to fight all the odds if this love is real?

Sera was nervous, she never had danced with anyone before? Well not since she was a kid? And it was with her family. It was never with someone outside the family she danced with especially after she transformed. So it makes her nervous to dance with Yamato since it's the first person she's danced with that she liked romantically. Yes, she had her friends in the castle but she known them her whole life. They're the ones that looked after her. She considered them her family. They didn't abandon her like her parents did. So they could avoid the curse. Taking her baby brother with them. Sera didn't get much contact with them for nearly ten years. Outside from letters she kept in a special box in her room. She believed she may never see them again.

Amu, Leo and Tusk didn't want to mention her parents. Not with her birthday getting near. They knew she may never see them again if the curse wasn't lifted soon.

Ami helped wash Sera before covering a towel behind the shower drapes; it went around her body like a dress. Her long black hair was loose falling down to her back. As drops dripped onto the floor.

"Let's find a dress for you to wear." Amu ponders. As she looks at a whole bunch of dresses. Finally taking out an aqua blue one with gold trimming that glittered when light shined onto it. "This dress would look gorgeous on you."

"No . . . I couldn't wait that . . . fine something else for me to wear?" Sera asks her.

"You're just nervous. It's only natural." Amu assures her. "You never had experience any of these feelings before . . . or danced with anyone that you were in love with . . ." She gave a cat-like smirk as she said this.


"You need to tell him how you feel . . ." Amu assisted. "Perhaps after the dance . . "

"And what if he doesn't return my affections. I can't bare the heartbreak."

"You have to try. Even if he doesn't, right now. There's still time."

"Why don't you and Tusk join us? It would make me feel more comfortable about this."

"I would be honored. Though it's going to take A LOT of convincing for Tusk too."

"I will order him too. Then he can't refuse." Sera joked as they both laugh.

Yamato was in the center part of the staircase. He was dressed nicely; it was something he was use to wearing. He felt a strong slap on the back as looked over behind him. It was Leo.

"Enthusiastic on dancing with the princess, are you?" Leo questioned.

"Well, yes and no." Yamato tells him.

"Oh don't be shy." Leo continued to tease.

"I am not!" Yamato yelled at him as he gestured him to look at the stairs.

Yamato looks at Sera in her dress as she comes down to stares. Leo naturally couldn't help but tease him.

"Pretty isn't she, you can't take your eyes off her." Leo whispers to him as he snickers.

"Stop it!" Yamato whispered back.

"Sera, you like pretty . . . I mean . . ." Yamato nervously tells her.

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