Changing Feelings

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Mario opened the door quickly as the cold air from the outside came in to encase the room. It's been days since his nephew took his place. He blamed himself for not being able to stop it. No one in town was going to help him. He would have to save his nephew himself. He had to free him from that monster.

"If no one in this town is going to help me. I will have to save Yamato myself." Mario angrily says out loud. He knew people in town thought he was crazy. Mario always brushed it off. Acting like he didn't care. They didn't believe in his story that a beast like girl had his nephew as prisoner. Now, it was a personal matter. The same people he ignored just laughed at him like it was normal. It would made him angry.

He had to make sure to get everything he needed. He took a rolled up map as he placed in his pocket and a lantern from a shelf. He quickly grabbed at hat as he placed it on his head as he quickly out the door. Snow from the roof as he slammed the door behind him. He went to put on a thicker coat, rubbing his hands as he opens the door again to his home, slamming the door as he left.

Meanwhile Minako and Nami came not too long after Mario left. They picked out as they watched him scurry off. They were going to set their plan into motion. Minako couldn't wait for Yamato to force to agree to be her husband. There was no way it was going to fail.

"Oh well no one is home. Guess the plan is a flop. We better get going." Nami quickly tells her. Just as she tries to run, Minako grabs the back of her dress

"Not so fast." Minako pulled her as Nami moved forward as she falls onto the icy floor right into the snow. "You're just going to have to stay here until they get back."

"That could be hours, days or even weeks." Nami complained.

"Now you remember the plan?" Minako asks her.

"Yes, I wait here." Nami cheerfully

"Don't be stupid." Minako scolds. "That's not the full plan." Minako hits Nami in the back of the head. "Now what was it?"

"The plan is to use the fact that Mario is crazy. Using the fact he's talking about some kind of monster to our advantage. While I wait here, you're going to Asylum to talk to the head of it. If he agrees to your wicked and brilliant plan then I tell you when they're home so we can set it into motion." Nami explains to Minako. She forced a fake smile at Minako. As she believed this plan wasn't going to work. There was no talking Minako out of this however.

"Excellent, now be useful and disguise yourself or something. So they won't notice when they get home."

"Yes, Minako." Nami meekly replies. She adored Minako but admitted she was scared of her. This was mostly due to her nasty temper. Minako believed she was incompetent but had to trust her that she would be informed if Mario and Yamato returned. Yamato was going to be hers no matter what it took, no other girl was going to take him away from her.

Meanwhile at the Castle...

"It's snowing!" Amu excitably looks at the window. As she takes Tusk hand who was more focused on reading his book. He wasn't paying much attention. "Come on Tusk, let's go outside." She pleaded.

"I don't want to go out there. I want to finish my book." Tusk tells her.

"You don't want to go outside and play with me?" Amu questioned.

"Playing is for children." Tusk addressed. "and we are not children anymore Amu."

"Why are you so serious all the time?" Amu questioned. "Or it's just you don't want to spend any time with me?" Amu beginnings to weep, trying her best not to cry.

"Noooo . . . that's not it . . . it's just that . . ." Tusk could never handle it when Amu started to cry. It came to point he would give in and do what she wanted to make her happy again. Amu tends to use it to her advantage, namely to get him to do all the chores since she hated doing anything with work. The only time she did anything was so she could spy on Yamato and Sera. Tusk always scold her for spying because what goes on between the Princess and Yamato was none of their business. Amu always had to point out and remind him that they have until their princesses' upcoming birthday for the chance to be human again.

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