the ride to school

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Mya pov

got a text from roc saying we need to talk I just close my message. I went downstairs to grab something to eat real quick then Bestfriend text me saying she outside , so I walk outside and got in the car.

"hey Bestfriend " said jay

"hey" I Said

" so let me tell u wat happen "

" what happen girl I need to know everything! "

" okay long story short went to the fair. he won me a pink puffy bear with a basketball in the middle can u sat perfect date?"

" aww so cute. then what?"

" after the fair went and got tacos and I wanted to eat in the car idk why tho. oh wait before that we was on the fairs Wheel and ray gave me a passionate kiss to shut me up cause I was talking about how he was screaming like a girl on the rides funny shit. then went to get tacos and after all that he took me home and walk me to my porch and gave me a kiss with tongue "

" girl yall so freaky. lol"

" ikr. then my Auntie/mom came out lol it was crazy "

"lol see Bestfriend u had a nice date"

" yes girl and when is you and roc getting back together? "

" girl who knows I really miss him tho like everything about him"

" I know you do!"

" guess what tho?"


" today is tryouts for cheerleading "

"Bestfriend you didn't tell me you cheer"

" I just told you"

" lol. good luck and today is the day I find out if I made the basketball team"

"Bestfriend I know you did"

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