Let me tell you my story

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Roc house

When we pulled up to roc house we got out and roc got my bags out the backseat.

Roc: bae you alright

Mya: yeah I'm fine why you ask?

Roc: you was quiet the hold ride home and you look a bit sad. is this about your mom?

Mya: maybe. I'm about to shower I met you in the bedroom

Roc: fine

I got my stuff in went in the bathroom an hour later I got out the shower in lotion up and put my pajamas on I walk to roc bed. Hey bae

Roc: sup

Me: what's wrong with you?

Roc: just got a lot on my mind.

Mya: I do too. Let's just talk about it

Roc: I guess I can tell you

Mya: tell me what?

Roc: about my family & Tiffany

Mya: okay bae I'm listening

Roc: whelp my parents had me a young age once I turn fourteen they left me in this house they sent me money form time to time at the time I didn't understand why would they leave they son I was never a trouble boy I always had good grades but I got older and I didn't care no more. I met Tiffany freshman year I thought she was the one for me , I mean everything was going good for me until one day I let her met my my homeboy diggy he was like a brother to me. one day I left her there with him because I had to go met up with my parents that day I lost two important people ever. My dad told me my mother died couple days ago and my father didn't give a damn about me he told me I was the reason she died he told me I was mistake and I punch him the face and since then I haven't really talk to him so I have no parents. I was so angry , hurt at the same time and I needed somebody to talk to so I went back to the house to tell Tiffany what happen but when I got to the house I heard real loud moan coming from my room and I walk upstairs to her and diggy fucking and I went crazy I beat the shit out of him and for Tiffany I told that bitch to get out and I don't wanna ever speaks to her again. I haven't talk to her since we'll now and that morning she came over random abs told me if I don't do what she ask she was gone mess up out relationship and I didn't wanna lose you you all I got baby and I love you.

Mya: * in tears* roc you don't have ever worry about me leaving you I love you with all my heart an for that bitch Tiffany don't worry about her I got her and Imma be here for you through the end we rocking until the end

Roc : thanks baby and I love you to * leans in give Mya a kiss on the lips

Mya:* kisses him back * roc since we opening up to each other I think it time for me tell you about my life

Roc : okay I'm listening

Mya: we'll my life is rocky right now. I came from a very poor family my mom couldn't afford a lot so people use to give me clothes and shoes that they already had and I was thankful for that cause my mom could never get me nothing and at the time my lil sister need diapers clothes milk and etc. when we move here my mom thought this be a better start for us I was happy because finally we home this is our house we don't have to share with nobody I finally get to go a school that I enjoy and I'm glad cause I met you and jay and ray and I thought everything was going good then my mom started acting weird like she didn't want nobody to buy me nothing only her because for the party I didn't have nothing to wear and jay bought me a lot stuff and my mom she was mad but anyways my mom stop caring for me and my little sister so I been taking care of her for three years and today she came back told me she had boyfriend and this is just too much for me and plus I didn't even know my dad he left me wen I was just three and now I'm feeling like I'm losing my mom to.

Roc: yeah I feel you bae but I'm here for you and you and yo sister and come live with me I could use the company

Mya: are sure about this?

Roc: yeah bae anything for my queen I won't you know I'm here for you remember we rocking until the end bae

Mya: okay cool. Lol *kisses roc

And the rest of the night we talk and laugh and I'm glad I have roc and my life idk where I bee with out him out I know it only been three weeks but I need him with our life story is crazy and that why god put us together.

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