Back at school

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Mya pov
So it now lunch time and I still haven't seen jay she better not had oversleep but anyways I'm walking to the cafeteria but something told me to look back so I did I saw Tiffany all up on my men and I didn't not like that so I walk over there um excuse you why you all up on my men like that ?
Tiffany:we talk later roc
Roc: okay
Mya: Tf was that all about?
Roc: nothing she had some family stuff and I'm the only person she can talk to
Mya: I thought you didn't have nothing to say to her this the bullshit I be talking about roc you always lying
Roc: bae you getting made for no reason it family stuff and that it your my girl and hopefully in the future my wife
Mya: yeah whatever *walks off

my life (roc royal love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora