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hana's favorite class is music. she had taken the liking because of ballet music. every note she follows and every note she appreciates.

she was sat at the piano, with fingers landing on each tile playing a score the teacher told her to play. she gladly agrees whilst her other classmates played other instruments.

when music period ended, she walked back to class with a group of students surrounding her, praising her for her talent. small thank you's escaped her mouth and even more praises were said for being so humble. she wishes it will all go away, she doesn't like being praised half-heartedly, knowing some people just have hatred against her. maybe she was too perfect.

she saw hansol at the corner of her eye, which brings back the events that happened the day before. hana suddenly feels nervous as she gulps in the pain that was formed in her throat.

hansol noticed her sudden nervousness, so he grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the crowd. whispers could be heard as hansol dragged her, leading her to god knows where. but hana couldn't care less for what she really wanted was to run away from what was keeping her captivated against her will.

feet were dragged up the stairs to the school's rooftop. the only thing hana was doing was staring at the back of his head.

they stopped their tracks at the edge of the building, that overlooks seoul from a distance. she leaned on the railings while hansol's hands were deep in his pockets.

silence is what lingers between them, not one trying to break it. only the ruffling of leaves and the busy street kept the background occupied.

hansol faced hana that was looking down, taking in her beauty from the side. she turned to face him and stood in front of him.

he walked closer and wrapped his arms around her.

that was it. that was what she needed. a genuine hug. a hug that kept her heart satisfied even if it broke apart.

she did not move a bone as hansol kept embracing her tighter and it made her heart flutter more every second. they loved this. they loved being with each other. though it happened so sudden, one was too shocked to comprehend. hana, that is.

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