Chapter Eleven: Unwanted Guest

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3 weeks later.
So I'm laying in the bed just chilling watching tv and Toni's phone start ringing. I looked at the ID as Tamar's name appeared I muted the sound and went back to watching the game. Yea Toni's still living with me, she's been looking for a new house but honestly I don't want her to go.

I ain't tell her that yet though I wanna find a nice way to tell her that I wanna keep her around ya know. The fire at her house basically destroyed everything,  fortunately she had insurance on most of the stuff in her house so it's being replaced. Another good thing is she told me Babyface suggested she fireproof her home studio so that was the only room that was saved.

She keeps all her plaques and awards and stuff in her studio so those are fine. The only thing she is responsible for is getting new clothes and stuff like that. I know my baby is already under a lot of stress so instead of her spending more money I paid for her new wardrobe. At first she refused talking about she can't take my money and all that bullshit.

But I had to let her know that once you with me that you with me and Ima take care of you. If I want to go out my way and buy nice things for you then Ima do it. But I ain't know this girl could shop the way she do! Every fucking day it's some package coming to the house or she's coming home with some new shoes or a bag.

The other day we went to the mall she came back with 15 bags! Where the fuck is all this shit gonna go? Out of all that shit she bought she refuses to buy any pajamas she just keeps wearing my shirts. I'm running out of shirts dawg. I ain't complaining thou cause I honestly love having this girl around.

"Baby!" Toni called bringing me out of my thoughts as she walked into the room

"Yea wassup?"

"What you doin?" She asked standing infront of me blocking my view

"I was tryna watch tv. Oh yea your sister called" I responded

"What she say?"

"I don't know I didn't answer."

"And why not?"

"I'm watchin the game." I responded simply making her suck her teeth and walk away

"You tryna join me in the shower or are you too busy watchin the game?" She asked as she wrapped her naked body in a towel and walked into the bathroom

"Hell yea!" I hopped out the bed taking my shirt off and heading into the bathroom

She stopped me in the doorway putting her hand on my chest "Too bad you can't." I looked at her confused "your little girlfriend and her kid is downstairs waiting for you."

"What you talking about?" I asked confused

"Don't play with me Dre! Why the hell is Shonda downstairs?" She yelled pushing me in my chest

"Oh shit I forgot." I said as I walked out the bathroom

"Mhmm I bet your ass did." She responded sarcastically making me roll my eyes

"It's not even like that so chill aight"

"Whatever" she said

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