Chapter Nineteen: All Men Cheat

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So today I'm going to lunch with mommy I haven't spoken to her since the situation between her and daddy popped off. As I'm heading downstairs I hear someone banging really hard on the back door. No one ever knocks on the back door, they'd have to get through the security gate.

"Who the hell is banging on the door like that?" I ask myself as I walk to the back of the house

I open the door to see Suge Knight standing on the back porch "Can I help you?" I ask

"Oh snap! So niggas in the joint wasn't lying when they said my boy wifed you up. He the goat for this!" He said removing his sunglasses as he looked me up and down. "Is Dre here?" He asked

"..Uh yea I'll go get him for you." I said and went downstairs to his studio


"Whatchu need?" He asked while spinning around in his chair

"Suge Knight is upstairs." I said simply

"What?!" He jumped up from his chair and started to push the speaker off the wall and pulled out a black boxed

"What are you doing?" I asked as he ignored me. He pulled out a black box and took out a gun.

"Dre what the hell!" I yelled taking in the sight before me.

"He just got out of jail." He said simply as he loaded it and slide it into its holster pulling his shirt over it. "I don't know what type of mind frame he in right now. Suge wouldn't intentionally hurt me. When people come out of there they're completely different people sometimes. This just in case." He explained.

"I didn't even know he had a gun. Let alone in the damn house! I gotta start paying attention."  I thought to myself

Folding my arms with an attitude, "Since it's just in case when I get back THAT" I said pointing to the gun "And him better be gone!"

"Girl relax." He said while pulling me close and kissing me on my forehead. "I got this you just go ahead I'll be straight." He said trying to reassure me

"Come on I'll come with you." He said as we walked upstairs "I'll see you later aight."

"Bye baby." I said as he deeply kissed my lips

"It was nice meeting you Toni." Suge interjected

"You too." I responded and quickly walked out the house.

"Man you can't just be showing up to my house unannounced no more." I said facing Suge

"Niggaaaa" he said with a stupid smirk on his face

I asked, "fuck you smiling all creepy for?"

"I go to jail for a few years and come back yo ass got the top album in the country, signed the hottest artist out right now, and snatched up one of the baddest chicks in the game! Nigga I'm proud of you!" He said dapping me up making me laugh

"Thanks man but seriously what you doing here yo?"

"Man I need a place to crash." He admitted "I know you got ya lady here and everything. I just need a few days to get my shit together. One of my partners was suppose to have something lined up for me but it ain't fall through."

"Suge you my boy you know that. But man I got too much shit to lose dealing with you. I got a girl I actually really care about my company doing well. You know you like to live reckless yo I can't afford that." I explained

"I'm not like that no more I swear." He threw his hands up in surrender. "I'm tryna change my ways man I wanna do things the right way I ain't tryna go back to jail."

"Hey mommy!" I said walking into the restaurant

"Hey lil girl. So what's been going on with you?" She asked getting straight to the point

"What you mean?" I asked sitting down

"Child don't play with me."

"Do you realize I only physically seen you once since you came back from Vegas and that was almost six months ago! She started "And I'm sitting here thinking that's not like Toni she always stops by and sees her mother. Then when your house burned down I'm thinking okay now she has no choice to see me now."

"Ma—" I tried to say but she kept going

"Cause I just knew you weren't gong to Trina and Gabe's house. Even after the situation with me and your sperm donor I thought you would come see me I was thinking you'd even move in since I was by myself. And Tamar just moved in with Vince so I thought you would come stay with me."

Ever since the incident happened with she refers to our father as our sperm donor.

"I was talking to Tamar the other day and asked about you. She said you've been occupied come to find out you're all the way on the other side of town staying at some man's house. I didn't know who he was so I googled him. Then I understood what Tamar meant, if I were you I'd be occupied too he's handsome." She said smiling

"Mommy!" I responded trying not to laugh

"I'm getting a divorce Toni not going blind."

"I'm not even gonna asked what happened with Keri, I never really liked him. But anyways how long you and this Dr. Dre boy been together?" She questioned

"Almost five months now."

"You plan on staying at that boy's house forever?"

"No mommy I'm actually looking for a new house right now."I admitted

"Good you don't need to be all up under that man like that anyways. That boy is young and rich with a lot of power and people like him want to enjoy their freedom."

"What you tryna say mommy?" I asked getting aggravated

"All I'm saying is be carful sweetheart. When you in love you love hard and I just don't want to end up hurt AGAIN. Remember Toni all men cheat."

After leaving the restaurant I started thinking maybe mommy is right all men do cheat. Look what happened with me and Keri, her and daddy, what if Dre does the same? He can easily throw me out on my ass tomorrow and get a whole new chick.

I can't rely on him. I gotta get out and find something to call my own. I didn't think this situation all the way through. Dre is at the top of his game right now no man in their right mind would be trying to settle down.

Especially with me I got my own issues and I don't need to add on to his. How can we even be together when I barely even trust him sometimes. So much has happened in the short amount of time since meeting Dre.

From the situation with Keri, to him and Shonda with the kid, my house burning down, to him getting in the accident. It's like our relationship developed so fast and we fell in love over night.

Even though neither one of us has said I love you yet. Dre big headed ass knows I love him and he loves me too. But in reality all of the shit we've been through feels like we've been together forever. I want to love him but honestly I'm scared to.

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