Chapter Thirty-four: Girl or Boy?

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DRE — One month later
"Toni come on now, get up we're gonna be late." I said for the third time attempting to get her out of bed

"But Dre, I don't feel like moving I'm tiredddd." She whined curling up under the covers

"It's alright babe it'll all be worth it when little man comes out." I said as I ran my hand across her tiny belly making her quickly sit up

"What makes you so sure it's a boy? What if we have a girl?" She questioned climbing out the bed

"It's gon be a boy trust my daddy instinct. Now go get dressed!" I said smacking her ass as she went to her closet to find something to wear

"Who said your the father? It could be Suge's baby." She said jokingly

"That's not funny, I'd kill both of y'all." I said stale faced as she started laughing

"You would really kill me and one of ya bestfriends?" She asked offended

"Toni I don't care how fine you are don't joke like that. You know I got issues" I said trying not to laugh

"Yea whatever you know you're the only man for me. Besides, I couldn't be with Suge he's more insane than you are." She quipped

"Getcha ass on before you make us miss the appointment."

"Don't rush me Romelle." She sighed rolling her eyes at me

(Romelle is Dre's middle name)

Toni is now four going on five months pregnant and she's actually showing now. We haven't told the media yet, we decided to wait until she gets along a little further and out of the scary trimester. She got a doctor's appointment today and we gon find out the gender. Toni swears up and down that it's gonna be a girl, but I think it's a boy.

TONI — At the doctors office
"Dre why are your hands so sweaty?" I asked him

"I don't know I'm nervous I guess." He said as he let go of my hand

"Why you nervous?"

"Cause I ain't never been to no lady doctor with anyone before. Don't they be poking you in ya lady part with needles and shit?" He asks making me bust out laughing

"Baby relax they aren't gonna give me any needle in my lady part. She's just gonna check the progress of the baby that's all it's gonna be fine."

"Ms. Braxton, Dr. Jackie is ready for you now. She's in room four waiting." One of the nurses said

"Okay thank you. Come on Dre, aren't you excited?" I ask as Dre helps me out of my seat.

"Nah on some real shit I heard getting a Pap smear hurt." He said making me chuckle

"Oh my god shut up" I said as we walked down the hallway hand and hand

"Hey Toni how've you been doing so far?" Dr Jackie as we walked into the room

"I've been alright. I haven't been throwing up as much as I use to, I still have some cramping from time to time, and I just keep eating everything." I responded 

"Well that's normal girl so that's good." She said then turned her attention to Dre. "And I'm assuming you're the billionaire rapper that's been wrapped around Toni's finger lately." She said as Dre smiled

"You seriously need to stop talking to Tamar." I said as we all shared a laugh. "But yes this is Dre, Dre this is Dr. Jackie my ob and family friend." I said introducing them

"Nice to meet you." Dre said

"Same here." Jackie said as they shook hands

Patting the little table, "Toni you can get right up here. Dre you can stand right over here so you can see the picture fully."

Doing as we were told, Jackie lifted my shirt and said "For warning this gel is gonna be a little cold okay."

She placed the gel on my stomach sending a shiver through my body. "Shit" I hissed under my breath making Dre laugh

"Sorry I don't know why they make this mess so cold. Let's take a look at your little bundle of joy shall we." Grabbing the scanner she placed it on my stomach and started moving it around.

Hearing a chugging sound from the monitor fill the room I saw this tiny ball appear on the screen. "There's the heartbeat... she's gonna be a strong one."

"Did you just say she?" Dre asked breaking me out of my focus from the monitor

"Congratulations you two! You're having a little girl." Jackie said

My eyes widened at her words as she moved the scanner around more.

"Let's see if she'll show her face today." She said as she continued to move the scanner, "and there she is!" She said pointing at the monitor

" She said as she continued to move the scanner, "and there she is!" She said pointing at the monitor

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"Oh my god look at our daughter Dre." I said suddenly overcome with emotions.

"Wow she's so tiny. She got her height from you." Dre said

"Haha very funny." I said rolling my eyes at him

"Your little angel is due July 19th. Toni I prescribed you some pre-natal vitamins. Just check out at the front and you two are finished congratulations guys." Jackie said leaving us in the room

Helping me off the table, "man I can't believe it Ima have a daughter." He said

"I'm so excited! I always wanted a little girl."

"She gon be gorgeous, she probably gon look just like you."

"Awe you so sweet." I said giving him a light kiss on the lips

"Come on let's get outta her and go grab somethin to eat, cause I know you hungry."

"Yea so what if I am." I said smartly "Can we get pizza?" I asked looking up at him

"You can have whatever you want baby. I'll do whatever to keep my girls happy." He said as he rubbed my belly

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