Chapter Thirty-eight: Sister Drama

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I pull up in the driveway mad at the entire world. I jump out my car and who do I see sitting in front of my house waiting for me? It's no one but my ever so loving mean ass sister Towanda. We've been having some unknown problems lately and right now I'm really not in the mood to deal with her or her attitude. Hopefully if I'll play nice she'll leave quicker.

Walking up to my car  "Hey sis." Towanda said

"Hey Umb, what brings you by?" I said walking straight past her and into the house.

Of course she follows me inside. I really just wanted to come home and sleep my life away. Why can't I just be left alone for one day?

"I think we need to talk."

Grabbing some water out the fridge I asked "About?"

"Ya know about our relationship as sisters I think we've been having some problems lately.."

"Okay then talk." I said bluntly

"Seriously Toni?" She asked getting an attitude

Already annoyed I responded "What? You're the one with the problem not me so go ahead and say whatever you need to say so you can go."

"Oh here you go! It's all about what Toni wants. The diva, the superstar, the—"

Cutting her off. "Are you done? Cause I wanna go take a nap." I said nonchalantly pissing her off even more

"Why does everything always have to be about you?"

"Everything doesn't have to be about me. You came over here claiming you wanted to talk about whatever problem you have with me. I'm giving you the opportunity to do that and your steady trying to put this on me somehow."

"You think you're so much better than the rest of us cause you have it all." She said with venom in her voice

"Towanda what are you talking about?"

"You know you've always looked down on us Toni, especially me." She admitted making me roll my eyes

"I really don't have time for this."

"Of course you don't!" She yelled

"That's really how you feel about me?! That I look down on you? As if our asses didn't come out the same womb! If anything I always kept you in arms reach, made sure you had a job, always took you and the girls with me on tour. I literally got y'all record deals! I used my favors for y'all! When you and Andre got evicted I let y'all stay with me rent free until you got on your feet and I'm the selfish one? Since mommy and daddy's divorce I've been the one covering all of mommy's bills! All the shit I've done for this family and I've never even heard a single thank you. You haven't even told me congratulations on getting married or the fact that your niece is on the way. You didn't even show up to my baby shower and I'm the inconsiderate one." After I finished giving her a piece of my mind she couldn't even look me in the face.

"I had a prior engagement.." she said lowly as she stared down at the floor

"That's bullshit and you know it."

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