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I was pulled out the door shortly after breakfast. I had my tail stuffed down my pants and my wars hidden by a grey beanie. kutos to [Name], the fashion stylist.

We jogged down the sidewalk to the bus stop. she explained to me that some times she walks, when she is not being lazy. I stifled a few laughs as as talked. She of course blushed when I metioned what happened this morning.

the bus pulled up a few minutes later. she grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs of the bus with her. I stumbled some after her and smiled. she sat be beside the window.


After the first four class periods, [Name] pulled me down to the cafeteria. I was walking beside ger when two girls tripped her.

"Oh! well if it isn't you!" a brunette retorted.

I growled causing them to look at me.

"oh! YOUR the new kid! you should hang out with us!" the blonde exclaimed.

I unfurled my claws and lashed at her. my claws cut her arm, not badly.

she yelped and backed away,"wh-who are you!?" they both backed away.

"Me? oh. I'm [Name]'s boyfriend"



The Neko and Me [Neko Boy x Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora