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Kyoya had a smirk plastered on his face af if nothing had happened the day before. We were lounging in my room just doing some random crossword puzzle we found and printed offline. In Kyoya's free time between his turns he would start mumbling the words to the music he put on.

As he sumbled over the spanish lyrics to Despacito, I giggled and scribbled down more letters.

"Kyoya." I nudged him indicated it was his turn. He never stopped singing as he continued to answer the next question.

"color of water" It read. Trick question. He chuckled as a person slipped into my room, closing it behind them. It was (friends name) I smiled as they sat down beside me and layed over my legs. Kyoya rolled his eyes.

"Girls. Gotta love em"

We both laughed and watched as the last question was answered.

"Who wants pizza?" I exclaimed and stood," Yoyo (n/n) Come on" I look their hands and dragged them downstairs.


A shadow chuckled from the window before disappearing.

The Neko and Me [Neko Boy x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now