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Months have passed since the real kyoya was rescued and taken back home.

Days after Y/N broke it off with her previous lover.

Now Kyoya and Y/N sat in an attorney's office filing for Kyoya to have full custody over Haru. Haru was estatic as he watched, tail swaying and ears flickering happily.

Y/N smiled as she watched her two boys with a shimmering ring on her finger.

Kyoya had proposed days earlier and the young lady couldn't be more than happy.

Haru had reunited with an old friend, Damien Choi.

Damien was a childhood friend of Haru. Damien was one year older than Haru at age 10.

They seemed close. Really close for just friends but, the new parents shrugged it off. This was only the beginning of Haru and Damien's story.


Annnndddd there you have it folks. For all my Yaoi readers out there I present the beginning of Haru and Damien's story. Yes this will kind of be an XReader but in the background as kyoya and the reader are mentioned. I want to thank you all for following and baring with me this long. I present this last chapter along with the first chapter of Haru and Damien's story called 'Light of the Dark' to start the new year off right. I have posted the next chapter of Pretty boy for those of you bts yoonmin shippers and I hope to have your continued support for Haru and Damien.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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