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I need to apologise. I'm so sorry you all ;-;

My hands slipped through my hair, pushing it back as the water from the shower nozzle slipped through it. Music from my phone speaker blasting through the room. I sang along. It had been almost a year now since Kyoya and I have been living together. Though, I can't let the idea of someone or something watching us slip away.

Nothing has been going right ever since Kyoya got a job making twenty dollars an hour and working 4 hours 5 days a week.

Nothing seemed right anymore. Something was off. Nonetheless I stood and ran my hands down my body and sighed. I had a meeting with my boss in an hour and I couldn't be late.

I work as a dance instructor in a nearby dance academy as a part time job aside from school. I had to meet my boss about a special kid. The kid's name was Jeremy and he likes to cause trouble. Though, we can't kick him out because of his very wealthy family. Or...so my boss says.

I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my head and one around my body. I make my way to my room and dry off, dropping my dirty clothes into a laundry basket.

I proceed to grab clothes from my closet. That's when I felt eyes on me. I turn quickly holding my towel around my body tightly. I could have sworn I seen a figure move. I shrugged it off and turned to face my closet again.

After dressing I grabbed my purse and made my way outside. I began walking. The academy was new and was only a few blocks from my place. I smiled softly to myself and sighed.

Hopefully everything will be okay.

~~??? Pov~~

"Cameron, how do you feel about this?"

A figure turned to a boy holding up some revealing langire.

"I doubt that's going to get his attention Carly." I stated looking at Cameron and back to Carly.

"Agreed." Cameron replied agreeing with me.

"You're right. I need something more...exciting."

The Neko and Me [Neko Boy x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now