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"I...I'll marry you." The words left his lips in pain and sorrow.

"Only if you promise to leave her alone."

"Agreed." Cameron replied grinning at the Neko before her. She signaled for the hand cuffs to be removed.

That was three months ago. Three long agonizing months. Now the Neko stood broken down the isle waiting beside the priest.

A young girl around eighteen walked in, arms linked with a tall blonde boy. She smiled up at him.

Kyoya's heart filled with rage and sorrow. That girl that just walked in was the love of his life. The one that followed, arms linked, was his enemy.

They took a seat. The girl didn't seem amused to be there. As far as she knew, the boy getting married had broken her heart. The boy that she was with was the one that supposedly saved her.

Music started and Cameron was led down the isle by her brother. She smiled no, smirked.

Upon reaching the podium, she stopped and her brother took a seat.

"Cameron do you take kyoya's to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Do you kyoya take Cameron to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I don't."

The Neko and Me [Neko Boy x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now