The Bottom of the Bottle Love

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Oh god my head hurt. Will someone please stop spinning the damn room! I opened my eyes and the dingy light that hung low on my bedroom ceiling blared in my face. I covered my face and I groaned as I rolled over. My body sluggish and my mouth was dry as sandpaper and my tongue was thick and heavy in my mouth. I sat up and grabbed the side of the bed frame as the room lurched into focus as my body swayed. I got up my muscles and bones groaned and complained as I stumbled to my bathroom. I gripped the sink as I felt the vomit come up my throat and my stomach cramped as I threw up all the toilet seat and the floor. Chunks of what I assume was corn and other things smeared the floor. I wiped the toilet seat with my hand and pulled my shorts down and peed. My bare feet slipping in the pool of vomit at my feet. I groaned and cursed.

I reached over slowly and turned on the shower and the shower head spurted to life and soon the small windowless room was filled with steam and the smell of barf. I got off the toilet and I ripped the sweaty and liquor stained short and I tossed them in the already full dirty clothes hamper. I hope I remember to go to wash house. I tripped into the tub and I stood under the hot torrent of water as my muscles loosened up and my mind cleared a bit from the haze. How much had I had to drink last night? I stood there for what seemed like forever before I washed my body and my thick mane of white hair. I got out making sure I did not step in the pool of mess on the floor and I wrapped a towel around me and walked out the bathroom.

I dried off and I got dressed in a tight muscle shirt that strained over my chest and arms. I was over six feet tall and my muscles rippled all over. I took pride in my body even though I stopped working out a while ago my body never changed. I pulled on tight black skinny jeans that accented my muscular thighs and a pair of black PF Flyers. I cleaned up the bathroom and looked around my little apartment and kicked over the pizza boxes and Chinese take out bins and fished for my keys and wallet under the pile of pillows and blankets.

I grabbed my backpack and took my phone off the charger and looked at the messages. I had one from Amethyst and five from Garnet.

Amethyst: Girl, get your ass up and get to class! Professor is going to shit a brick if you're late again!

I replied back a quick okay and I looked at the other messages from Garnet. They all said the same thing.


I chuckled as I got into my car. I turned on the radio and a rock song I hadn't heard in while came blasting on and I bobbed my head as I made my way to campus for my classes. I made sure all of my classes were in the late afternoon because I knew myself and I never woke up before noon on any given day

I pulled up to my usual spot and I got out and shouldered my bag. I looked at my phone and I was shocked to see that I had 10 minutes to spare. I went to the food court and got a sandwich and a Punched Rockstar and cracked it open and downed half of it on my way to class. I hated school but it was better than being home with my cunt of a mother and dysfunctional father. That was the only reason I went away to University.

I was not a bully but I did have my fair share of fights with boys and girls. And most of the girls wanted revenge from me fucking them and then leaving and never calling them or even remembering their names. And the boys hated me because I could steal their girls, have my way them and drop them like old news. I didn't do relationships.

I walked into the class and I spotted my best friends Amethyst and Garnet in our spot and I started over. I waved at them. I felt a warm hand on my arm and I looked down and a cute redhead was looking up at me with big blue eyes and she bit her lip. I smirked at her and winked. She blushed.

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