There is so much Salt on this Chip that is Me

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Hey there yall! I am back. And can we all agree this has been a week? But all that aside I am well back on my muse train. And I connected with a cool person. I am not saying any names or anything in the order of this person's personal business. But I am sure this person will read this and accept this little blurb. It's refreshing. Thank you! Now back to this story of mine. Jasper and Lady Lapis have had quite the night. And we all know they felt something going on in there. So of course as we all know it must happen. A slice of goddamn real life. Shit happens to ruin a perfect moment. I hate it. You hate it. We all hate it. I promise it will all get healed over, well as much as two scarred people can make it. So all aboard this feel train that is coming from deep in my fucked up brain.

Trigger Warning: Heavy drug slang and use. The subsequent description of said drug use.

Snipeeasy Yall!


My heart was thumping in my chest, and blood has rushed south. I was drunk with the night's events. It was incredible. She let me hold her hand. She let me wrap my arm around her! I love the way she laughed. The cute snort that she does when something actually made her laugh. She kissed me. I could have fallen to the depths of hell in the second, but it would have been worth it to kiss her.

Pulling from my muse I opened my door to my apartment and a stack of boxes was next to my door. I bent down, and I picked one up, and black mark marred the face of the box. Symbols of blue diamonds all different sizes were on the face. A shiver ran through my body; I was slammed back down to earth in that second. I picked up the other boxes, all around the side of a regular post parcel. I opened my door, and I walked in, and I closed my door. Placing the boxes on my bed, I went around and picked up the bins of take-out and pizza boxes and took out the trash.

I washed the sink fill of dishes and recycled the empty bottles of liquor and beer bottles. Vacuuming the carpet and cleaning the bathroom top to bottom took longer than I wanted. But it seems that my irregular cleaning cycles worked.

I finally flopped down after I shoved all my dirty clothes into laundry bags to do later. That oh so dreaded familiar itch... I was curious. I sat up, and I scrubbed my face with my hand, cursing when I felt the slight shake of it. Taking in air, perfectlyI held it, shoulders still parallel, stomach stretched out as my diaphragm correctly, natural, fine-tuned after years. I let it out in a long, full woosh. Getting to my feet, planted firm with each step I walked over and went to the kitchen and placed the box down and got a thin flay knife and cut the tape. Putting the knife down I pulled back the flaps and the dull green wrapping tape topped with thick black tape crossed over. Three stacks of four. Set in the middle with purposeful care was a sleek black phone. On top of that a small note.

I picked up the letter and opened, numbers and two letters.9751502PD.Eyebrow raised I took the phone up, and my middle finger slide across a slight increase along the chrome feel on the back, and the screen lit up. A passcode screen floated in the middle, nine squares under the Passcode. I looked at the paper again and clicked my thumb on the screen, and a keyboard appeared. My thumb moved along the keyboard in the familiar speed typing in the code. The screen unlocked with a soft click. A dark blue with shimmering undertones made up the background. I app was already lit with a message. I clicked the text message icon, and three conversations met my eyes. I tapped the first and a blue message popped up. An address. The text sender was just the phone number. I went back and clicked the next one. This one was also an address.

Moving to the last one, which did not have an address, but a greeting and instructions.

I trust that you have not backed out on the spoils of the meeting the other night. I have little Olivine to thank for pulling some technical strings to find that you are very popular in an area that I would love to expand. The tapes are what I want you to take to some friends of mine. One is for you to take to make sure it is the best. I am certain you know what you will need to get to complete these few things. I know I will not be disappointed.

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