Mommy Dearest

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Damn ive been MIA for a min again, but two full time jobs can do that along with some personal stuff I had to get through but here is another shit chapter. But I will be posting another story I started on FanFic and got great reviews on it so im bringing it here. I dont see enough True Blood stories on here so im bringing them yall

Snipeeasy yall

(See the end of the chapter for .)


* She still smelled the same. Like cigarettes and vanilla.* The smell brought back a crashing wave of emotions and memories. Gritting my teeth I squared my shoulders and glared at my mother.

"I didnt get the memo you were going to be in town. So what do you need now? Money? Drugs?" I spat the words with venom.

My mother held my gaze. I was just like my mother because I learned it all from her. She was the only person in the world who never was phased by me. Her dirty yellow eyes sat in a permanent sea of red. She licked her gnarled yellow teeth like a animal as her gaze slid past me to just behind me.

I had momentarily forgotten Lapis. I turned to her and just looking at her calmed me down a bit.

"Lapis, can you please go to my room and close the door. I have to handle this, I'll deal with this, she was just leaving anyways."

Lapis went to say something but the look I gave her was pleading,her shoulders slumped a bit but she did was I asked.

That simple movement had the rage building back up and I span around on my mother.

"You better answer my questions or get the fuck out."

She chuckled and brushed past me,

"She is cute, you fuck her yet?"

Her brisk tone held no humor.

The door slammed harder than I wanted it to, the wall shaking with the force.

"None of your damn business. Now you have 5 seconds to tell me why you are here before I toss your raggedy ass out my place."

She held up her bony hands, the cheap rings that graced them danced and clinked.

"Hey I'm not here by choice, but you know how word gets around,Blue has you has her personal bitch. Is that true?"

My face went red in anger and my fist balled up.

"God Jas, judging from that signature display, not only is it true, but you're embarrassed. When did you become such a pussy bitch?"

The words came out faster than I could stop them,

"Since unlike you I give a rats ass about the people I say I care about."

Her eye twitched and my beast howled in satisfaction at getting a jab at her. But she collected herself just as fast as it happened.

One of the things I hadn't ever picked up from her was how to reign in my anger and emotions on my face.

"That's cute, spare me the details, I'm here on business. Some of my peddlers are losing money, word on the street that Blues lackeys are taking major gains here and other cities she knows are not hers. It's bad for business."

A shit eating grin ate up the expanse of my face,

"Now who's the pussy bitch? You sure are quick to roll over and show your belly when new competition comes in. I may work for Blue but whatever you have going on with your people has nothing to do with me. I push the product she gives me."

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