What is It?

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Hey hey hey yall. I am back setting up another chapter to this fic.I know I left it off kinda bad last chapter. This chapter gets better detail of what happened after the blow out in the DC. Also I'd like to announce that Jasper is still a salty bitch when it comes to losing. That is all.

Snipeeasy Yall!


I looked down her and raised my eyebrow. I leaned forward and I picked up the blunt and lighter.

"No, can't say I have. I don't watch much TV. "

"You want to watch it with me? I'm sure neither of us don't want to go back out there any time soon." Lapis got up and walked to her room.

I watched her walk away, my eyes stayed on the sway of her hips as she walked down the hall.

I chuckled to myself as I got up and I walked to the little kitchen window and opened it. I lit the blunt and I took a few drags to calm my inner nerves.

Once the high took hold I put out the blunt and put it back in the cigar case. I fished out a mint and I popped it in my mouth and I sat back down.

Lapis came back in the room with her laptop and she sat it on the table in front of us and she sat next to me.

"You have any idea what it's about?" She asked.

"I read some of the Batman comics when I little. So I guess it's about Batman and his enemies?"

She chuckled and booted up her computer.

"Something like that. I have been hooked since season one."

I watched her as she logged on to Netflix and clicked the first episode and pulled it up to full screen

"I wish I had a tv. But it was too expensive. This is the best we can do."

She sat back and pulled the laptop up on her legs. I moved closer, placing my arm on the back of the sofa behind her head.

The opening credits started and for the first time in a while I relaxed and watched a show.

I was mostly distracted my her being so close to me. Her hair smelled like vanilla and lavender. Coupled with her natural smell of fresh dew in the morning it was intoxicating.

Hours pasted. My phone had died. I was spending time with Lapis. She wanted me here. She wanted to share something she liked with me. Everything else could wait.

As episode 7 was closing up my stomach grumbled as she looked over at me. My face flushed red as I sat up and coughed to draw attention away.

"I could order a pizza. I didn't even think to ask you if you were hungry." She blurted as she paused the show.

"It's okay. I was caught up in the show I guess I didn't register it. I'll eat anything you get. I'm not picky when it comes to food."

She brushed her hair out her face and got up. I got up to and I stretched my arms over my head and groaned softly as my muscles awoke after being still for long.

I turned around just as Lapis tore her eyes from me. She covered her mouth and turned away.

A smile played at my lips as I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her and pulled her back flush against my front.

"Enjoying the view?"

I teased as I bent down and nibbled her ear. I could hear her breath hitch as I sucked gently at the smooth skin just below her earlobe.

Her hands came to grip over mine as she wiggled from my hold and smoothed her clothes for imaginary wrinkles.

"Of course not." Her face was red as she tried to puff out her chest at me.

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