Two Week Notice

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Hello everyone good to be back at it. That last chapter, though. If you have never gotten high and, you are reading this. I'm sorry... wait lies I am not sorry ^_^ that's what it is like sometimes, I wanted to make it as realistic as possible. I was buzzed when I wrote that chapter, gonna be honest. But that is what comes out when I am high. Dedicated to a fault huh? But enough about a stoner nerd, Jasper, and Lapis be having those oh so lovely first date afterglow. And can we all just take a second and say a well rounded " FUCK YOU!" to Miss. Blue Diamond. I mean I made the way BD is in my story, but I still hate that bitch.

Poor Lapis, her sisters are going to come and see her. Will she say ALL of what happened in those two weeks? Or will she cover it up?

Snipeeasy Yall!


The way the sun hit me in the eyes when I woke up was softer, more gentle. Almost like that of a caress. But then I remembered that old friend eye crust was the one behind this mirage.

I sat up and slapped my large palms on my eyes and rubbed them furiously as I yawned. My breath hit my right in my nose, and my stomach cramped at the pure foul that was pultruding from my mouth. Scrambling out of bed I skidded into the bathroom. I felt that I had moved fast, but everything was in a lazy rhythm.

Gripping the sink I opened shaky eyes to look at my reflection. My eyes were puffy all around the outer skin, swollen till my eyes forced into slits. Dingy, dirty yellow eyes sat there in a murky lighter yellow.

Angry red lines traced from outer to the inner yellow mess. Branching off. My nose was red, redder than the skin around it. Like dark baked dry earth, slightly puffy.

Lips as dry as sandpaper cracked and peeled. I moved my bottom lip into my teeth and pulled at the raised skin it found and pulled. The slight burn as the skin pulled away was familiar. Spitting the skin out I turned on the faucet and splashed it on my face.

I set to work on fixing myself. One scalding hot shower and a furious scrub to my hair to get my hands working. Brushing my teeth until they bleed. Getting dressed in my running attire and my training mask. I had not used it for a while but needed to clear my lungs.

The usual route but pushed further up to the cliff that looked out over the whole of the city. Coming back down into the donut shop where a curly head kids sometimes works. Green machine, then back to the apartment. A cool down shower and some clothes that didn't smell that bad. Deep arches of Axe across the T-zone. Grabbing my backpack and keys, wallet shoved in the jeans pocket.

Locking my door, I hurried down the stairs and into my car and started to answer the flood of text and calls, before heading off.


The pitter patter of the rain against the window that faced towards the main walkway entrance. Sometimes I would watch the hurry of the students wanting to get out the deluge of rain. The rain had always fascinated me, every since I was little and I run around with my sisters on a rainy day. Getting muddy, but only a second before it is washed away. Cleansing everything it touches, nourishing the earth, making oceans swell and crash against the coast like an angry animal. The raw power of these single drops of water.

The rain had let up some, but it was still cold. My sisters would be coming any minute, and I still did not have any idea where I was going to take them. The pier was out of the question; a section had been washed away, so the whole pier had been shut down until further notice. I could take them to the DC; the food was decent, and I had family dinners I could use to get them in with me.

Water and Stone(GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now