Drowning Shadows

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What's goofy y'all, this chapter has been sitting in my logs for over a month,but work had had a girl DOA graveyard shifts 6 days a week will do something to the mind. But finally I'm back and a large shout out to HaleyUniverse for checking in on me and keeping my spirts up and also being my awesome beta reader for the story! Keep it swiffty!

Snipeeasy y'all!!


Her body felt nice next to mine. Soon after we had dried off, as we lay in her small bed she had curled up and drifted off to sleep.

Her neck and chest were different shades of purple and blue from my mouth. But the smile that graced her lips told me she liked it.

My mind was reeling from the last couple hours, I had come for one reason, and had stayed for another. Looking back I couldn't think of anything I could have done better. Lapis had given herself willingly to me, her everything. My heart bloomed in pride, every fiber of my being attentive to her every breath. A wave of protectiveness washed over me.

I don't think it was love, I didnt know what it was, but I knew for damn sure I'd tear down the skies and rip apart the earth to protect her.

Lapis was a vast ocean, deep and beautiful. Abundant, ever flowing. Shrouded in mystery, dangerous and violent. I could feel it, a sleeping beast inside her. Having had a glimpse of it in the bathroom. What scared me was that my beast submitted without hesitation.

When she had grabbed me and ordered me to my knees, it was like a trance, my body responded the second the word had left her. I gotta admit it was fucking hot as all hell, I wanted to see more of it, actually I craved it.

Maybe that's why she hadn't been scared at the dining commons, facing me and with just a touch had complete control. Or the first day I had met her, she had been nervous and scared of me, but everyone is the first time they see me. And it doesn't help that I always tend to be aggressive even when I'm not fighting. Coming off as brash and pushy. I cant help it, when I see something I want, I go for it full steam ahead.

A soft moan broke me out of my head and I turned my head to look at Lapis, she shifted closer to me in her sleep. She lay mostly on top of me, her leg resting along my about half the girth of my waist. Her hand splayed out just under my chin. Her hair tickled my nose, but it was a small annoyance I could live with. She just felt right.

My phone buzzed on the pillow next to me, I was careful not to move my arm to much as I reached for it and unlocked it.

A text from Garnet blared at me

Garnet: your bag is outside the door, no one answered.

My thumb clicked over the keys

Forsure thanks bro

Hitting send I put my phone back down I wrapped my arms back around her, my fingers running along her side around to her ass, I palmed it softly, loving the way my fingers sank into the giving flesh with ease.

A sleepy moan left her, her eyelids fluttered. I kissed her neck, my hands becoming more animated. Easing myself from under her I loomed over her, watching her sleeping form making sure she didnt stir. I slid the covers down, exposing her body to my greedy eyes. Running my fingertips along her thighs, I felt the goose bumps rise. She shifted, her legs falling open.

A purr left me as I moved to lay between her legs spreading them apart for me, her pussy looking more than inviting. I bent down and nuzzled her, running my nost through the lovely crown of hair that framed her, inhaling her scent into my memory.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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