Second Thoughts

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I have no idea what the outcome of that first chapter was going to be but I will most likely be writing most of the chapters at the college library after my classes since there is no one to disturb me. So chapters most likely will be coming out on Tuesdays, Thursdays , and Fridays. Yeah, it is a weird schedule but it works for me. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Gay love, peace, and Pizza!


Lapis... Lapis...Lapis. What a nice name.I was snapped out of my muse as I was called on to answer some question by the professor. I grumbled the answer and went back to looking at my phone as I scrolled through my photos deleting the ones I didn't want anymore. Soon the class was over and I was free for the rest of the day. I picked up my bag and headed out the class and into the hall towards the parking lot. I wanted to go out and find a party. There were a lot going on around this time heading into the weekend. Amethyst had already texted me about a keg party that was just a few miles away at a frat house. I knew most of the football players that lived there so I knew I could get in without any hassle.

I reached my car and I tossed my things in the back and I cracked my knuckles as I got behind the wheel and I started it up. I thought back to the blue-haired girl and I smiled as I drove off to head home to change and buy some liquor and get my rolling paper and some bud. I needed to get a new bong since I broke my old one. I'd stop by the shop on the way there from the store. My phone rang and I answered it and I could hear Garnets voice fill that car,

"Amethyst texted me about this party. I got the ice. You got the bong?" She sounded bored as sI could hear moving around her house.

" I got to go by the shop and buy a new one from Lars. I broke the last one. Get the cubed ice so we can make a smooth filter for the bong. The crushed ice wasn't as smooth. And I'll even toss in some liquid pills to seal the blunts."

She laughed and said,

"That's my girl. I'll be over in an hour to go with you. God knows everyone does not like that hard liquor you bring."

"Whatever real thugs drink that good shit. Not that fruity shit you like."

We said our goodbyes and I hung up and I pulled up to my apartment building. It was a shit hole on the outside. But the rent I could afford and I was not worried about anyone starting some shit with me. I walked up the flights of stairs and unlocked my door. I almost missed the small piece of paper on the door with address and a symbol of a blue diamond. I grabbed the paper and crumpled it and tossed it off the balcony and went inside.

I tossed my bag on my unmade bed and I kicked my shoes off and I went to the bathroom and washed my face and undressed. I looked at the scars on my stomach and I ran my hand over the raised and crinkled scars and I flinched as I was snapped back to how I got them. I shook my head to get those thoughts out of my mind.

I freshened up with some deodorant and I combed my mane of hair and pulled it back into a ponytail and I looked at my reflection. My eyes were red and the bags under my eyes didn't help. I reached under the sink and fished for the makeup kit Garnet had gotten. The one I used only twice before. I did some heavy eyeliner making my already noticeable eyes pop. I put on a bit of concealer under my eyes and I looked at myself again and nodded as the bags were not as bad.

I brushed my teeth and I went to find some clean clothes. Pulling on a tight muscle shirt that said 'Your prays have been answered. I'm here' and I shimmed up some white joggers and laced up my converse.

There was a knock at my door and I went over and opened it and Garnets tall frame filled the door. I stepped back to let her in. I closed the door behind her and I went back to my bed to finish up my shoes. Garnet sat down next to me kicking a pizza box away from her foot.

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