chapter 9

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"This is incredible." Aviva said.

"So, what are you exactly?" Lune asked Zoboomafo.

"I'm a lemur, you sound like you've never heard of us before." Zoboomafo replied.

"We don't exactly see a lot of lemurs in our jungles, well, not here anyway." Kopa explained.

"They usually live farther away." Ono said.

"Consider yourself Pride Rock's Guest of Honor." Bunga chuckled.

"I'll try to be a good guest." Zoboonafu smiled.

"Zuka Zama!" Bunga cheered.

The others who did not know that term just stared at the honey badger oddly.

"Is that an African proverb?" Jenny asked.

"That's Bunga's catchphrase." Akito smiled.

"What does it mean?" Zoboomafu asked.

"Pop up and dive in." Bunga smiled to the lemur about his catchphrase.

"Yeah," Pupitar nodded. "There's even a song that comes with it."

Bunga looked like he was about to sing, but the others stopped him before he could. "I'm hungry anyway," he said to the others, then came up to a log and picked it up while licking his lips. "Mm, love grubs! Not like, love!"

"Ew!" The girls winced.

"What's that?" Lune wrinkled his nose.

"A grub," Bunga picked out a slippery, slimy, and fat grub in his paws before slurping it. "Slimy yet satisfying!"

Lune could only wince out of disgust. The others merely gave nervous smiles.

"Oh, Uncle Timon's right ,the cream filled ones are the best!" Bunga cheered.

"The cream filled ones?" Emi asked.

"Trust me, Emi, you're better off in the dark." Akito whispered.

"So Lune, how connected are you and your sister?" Lee asked.

Lune looked confused. "I'm afraid I don't understand the question."

"He means how close were you two?" Vincent said.

"Ohh," Lune understood then. "Pretty close, we were kinda like best friends."

Akito and Estelle smiled, feeling touched by that statement.

"We know how that feels." Akito said, referring to himself and Estelle.

"Such a wonderful feeling." Estelle smiled.

Lune continued walking with them until he felt something in his heart, telling him that his sister was close by. He seemed to stop and held his chest with one of his frontal paws.

"What's your sister like?" Kopa sounded curious.

"She's very brave and what Dad calls tomboyish; whatever that means." Lune said.

"That means she acts more like a boy." Lee said.

"Ohh." Lune smiled.

"Yeah, my sister Megan is a tomboy sometimes." Lee nodded with a smile back.

"Cool." Lune smiled.

"You know, sometimes you can tell where your twin is because something inside you tells you where he or she is." Akito said.

"Really?" Lune asked before gesturing to his heart. "Does it happen in here?"

"Why yes, it usually does," Estelle replied. "Why do you ask that?"

"I think I'm getting it." Lune looked hopeful then.

"Then lead the way wherever your heart is telling you to go." Akito said.

"A-Are you sure I should wander out?" Lune asked. "I mean... My sister's missing already."

"Trust me; if you follow your heart, you'll find your sister." Akito assured him.

"If you say so..." Lune sounded nervous, but took a deep breath. "I think I'm ready."

"Then let's get going." Akito said.

"Um... Okay..." Lune smiled.

The others thought that was a good idea.

"You guys go ahead, we're gonna explore." Chris said, referring to himself and the other Wild Kratts.

"Okay." Emi said.

The Wild Kratts then decided to explore and see the sights of the Pridelands while Lune began to follow his heart to find his sister. And where she was getting ready for her assassination on Kopa sense she still didn't remember who she was except for her name.

"You have trained very well, my friend." Vitani grinned to Lukio.

"Thanks Vitani, but I just can't help feeling that this is wrong." Lukio said.

"Wrong?" Vitani glanced at her. "You heard what Mother said..."

"Yeah, I know, but it's just that I don't think I can just go and kill him." Lukio frowned, referring to Kopa.

"You have to!" Vitani glared. "Kovu's going to use the daughter to kill Simba and it's your duty to kill Kopa while we rise to the top to make Scar proud!"

"I-I'll try." Lukio said.

Vitani almost seemed guitly of what she was saying, but it was her mother wanted.

Zira came to check on her youngest and darkly chuckled as he was now about the age of a teenager and even had a black mane and looked a little like his predecessor before him, only he had no scar over his face of course. "You are ready... Nice... Very nice..." she then circled her little Chosen One. "You have the same blackness in your soul that Scar had. What is your destiny?" she then quizzed with a malicious grin.

"To avenge Scar and take his place in the Pridelands." Kovu said.

"Yes!" Zira beamed. "What have I taught you?"

"Simba and his human friends are the enemy..." Kovu narrowed his emerald eyes.

"And what must you do?" Zira then asked.

"I must KILL THEM!" Kovu snarled.

Lukio went wide-eyed as she didn't seem to like this idea at all and where she decided to leave the Outlands and go into the Pridelands to warn Simba and the others. Zira's lionesses liked the idea however. Vitani seemed a little guilty, but she hid it by agreeing with her mother while Nuka just looked jealous of Kovu's rise to popularity.

Akito and Estelle in Simba's PrideWhere stories live. Discover now