chapter 10

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The next morning, Kiara woke up as early as she could as she was going to have her first solo hunt.

"Hey, Kiara, you ready for the day?" Kion yawned.

"Yep, my first hunt alone," Kiara said. "I told Zuri and Tiifu the deal and I hope Dad just remembers to back off."

"I'm sure he will." Kopa said.

"He better..." Kiara meant it this time.

"Come on, let's go meet the others for your big debut." Kopa smiled to his little sister.

"Watch and learn, little brother." Kiara smirked to Kion.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Kion smirked back.

Nala walked toward Simba as they waited outside Pride Rock with the other lionesses. Atticus and the others soon arrived for the special occasion as well. Timon and Pumbaa seemed rather emotional as Kiara was a teenager now as they stood with Bunga. Fuli was there as well along with Beshte and Ono.

"Kiara." Rafiki came by the young lioness's side.

Zazu flew over and smiled at what a proud day this was for many. Kiara continued to make her way down to her parents. The lionesses wished Kiara good luck and they were so excited for her.

"My, how you've grown!" Sarafina smiled.

Nala and Kiara shared a nuzzle together.

"You'll do just fine." Nala encouraged her daughter.

"Hopefully Dad stays to his promise." Kopa whispered.

Kion nodded in agreement for Kiara's sake.

"Daddy... You have to promise to let me do this on my own," Kiara reminded their father. "Promise?"

"All right..." Simba sighed softly. "I promise."

The two then nuzzled against each other which made Timon and Pumbaa cry out loud.

"Uncle Timon, Uncle Pumbaa..." Bunga groaned. "You're embarrassing me..."

"Well, they get emotional at moments like this." Atticus said.

Kiara then left the pride so she could start her first hunt alone. Zuri and Tiifu smiled to their best friend as they allowed her to go alone.

"She'll be alright on her own." Kopa said.

Zuri and Tiifu giggled dreamily to Kopa. Kopa rolled his eyes to them, but kept a polite smile since they were his sister's best friends.

"Make sure she doesn't get hurt." Simba said quietly to the meerkat and warthog.

"And he's breaking his promise." Akito whispered to himself once he overheard Simba with his super-hearing.

"I'm honestly not surprised..." Atticus overheard his younger son.

"Dad, why won't Uncle Simba trust Kiara alone?" Akito sighed.

"He's being one of those overprotective parents." Atticus said.

"You seem tame compared to him when I first dated Lee." Estelle smirked.

Atticus's claws soon sheath as he was wanting those two to not be alone together.

"Whoops, spoke too soon." Estelle's eyes widened.

"Easy, tiger..." Cherry said to Atticus.

Lee started to back up slowly. Atticus glanced to Lee and Estelle.

"Um, come on, guys, let's go do something else while Kiara hunts?" Estelle smiled nervously.

"Yeah." Lee smiled nervously back in agreement.

Akito and Estelle in Simba's PrideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang