chapter 19

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"We're going to help too, King Simba." Ono said maturely as he perched onto Behste's back.

"I'm sorry for doubting you all when Kion chose you all as his Lion Guard." Simba approved of his younger son's best friends helping out.

"It's alright, Your Majesty." Ono said.

"No harm done." Behste agreed.

Buzzards circled above as Kiara, Kovu, Kopa, and Lukio were coming back to Pride Rock. Timon, Pumbaa, and Bunga mooned the Outsiders as they were in the line together with the other Pridelanders.

"Real mature, guys." Lune said, unimpressed.

"It's over, Simba," Zira spoke up. "I've dreamed of nothing else for years!"

"Boy, does she need a hobby." Timon rolled his eyes.

"Last chance, Zira, go home." Simba said firmly to the rogue lioness.

"I am home!" Zira replied as the thunder cracked and the lightning flashed. "Attack!" she then commanded her pride.

Her pride responded with their battle cries as they roared moving forward.

"Go for the eyes!" the lioness coached her pride. "Break his jaw! Hit him low! Get them! Do what you must!"

"Try and beat us!" Teddy glared.

Tyraniter jumped high and stomped in the middle of the ground before roaring violently to the Outsider lionesses. Ninetails growled at the Outsider lionesses. One lioness roared right in his face. Ninetails smacked her with his tails and then preformed a Flash Fire.

"Go team!" Zaboomafoo smiled.

Kion gave commands to his friends as they were the Lion Guard for this generation. Fuli used her speed, Ono pointed out his sight to the others, Behste used his strength, and Bunga used all of his bravery to take on some of the lionesses. Akito and the others fought off as many Outsider lionesses as they could. Lee and his Arcanine were even doing what they could and they were both doing well for their first times as Pokemon and trainer.

Timon and Pumbaa were even going to join in.

"What do we do?" Pumbaa panicked. "What do we do?!"

"There's only one thing we can do, Pumbaa: 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going'," Timon replied. "That's our motto."

"But I thought our motto was Hakuna Matata?" Pumbaa said, confused.

"Pumbaa, stop living in the past, we need a new motto!" Timon replied.

The meerkat and warthog let out a battle cry as they charged for the lionesses, but soon stopped and turned the other way in fear.

"Aw, come on, Uncle Timon and Uncle Pumbaa!" Bunga called out to them. "It's just a bunch of lameo lionesses!"

"They don't exactly have enough courage to face predators." Vincent said.

"Ugh..." Bunga face-palmed his adoptive uncles.

"Where's your pretty daughter, Nala?!" Vitani growled.

"Vitani!" Nala growled back.

Vitani leapt down onto Nala and the two began to roll around the hill and fought fiercely. Timon and Pumbaa then used their secret weapon which made the lionesses run away in fear.

"Talk about your winds of war." Timon smiled proudly.

"We're winning." Mo said.

"Was there every any doubt?" Atticus smiled.

Akito and Estelle in Simba's PrideWhere stories live. Discover now